Makarovich Mineev

Russia • 1902−1970

Biographie et informations

Born in 1902 in Yekaterinburg. He studied in the twenties in the Studio of Proletkult in Sverdlovsk. Painter - a landscape painter, One of the founders of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of Union of artists, member of the organizational meeting on may 22, 1932, a member of the Union of artists of the USSR. In the twenties he worked as an artist - decorator in the proletarian theatre of the Verkh - isetskii factory (Visa). Since 1930, he developed the subject of the historic landscape. Author of paintings dedicated to the old Ekaterinburg- "English key" (Yekaterinburg history Museum), "mechanic street" (Ekaterinburg Museum of fine arts) and others. In these works the artist captures images of receding into the past of the Ural antiquity. Alexander Mineev has passed all the Great Patriotic war. On the front of them in 1943-1945 gg was created picturesque-graphics cycle "the path of the retreating enemy." In the 1950-1970 gg continued to work in the chosen direction. Very alive, real hot-headed, short in stature, blue-eyed, with waving in the summer breeze and gray hair, Alexander M. Mineev temperament and even looks very much like Suvorov. In April 1960 he and his wife, Maria Ivanovna, who worked in the Creative production plant Sverdlovsk branch of Vladimir Popov (gilded letters and heraldry), moved into a new house Lenin Avenue 62 building 1, entrance 2, fifth floor, in their and their neighbors in the house of life opened a new page. It is no exaggeration to say that a true child of Alexander Makarovich was our big yard. And Maria Ivanovna children of steel we are the children of this court yard. The first building of the house, where spacious two-storey aquarium, a luxury jewelry store "Crystal", was inhabited by Sverdlovsk artists and their families, boys and girls, mostly born at the turn of the fifties and sixties. All of us Makarych knew very little, was keenly interested in the Affairs of the kindergarten and school. All year round he was in the yard as its organizer, Trustee and guardian. In the hands of saw, plane, hammer and... brush with paint. He built us kids, a large wooden slide and painted it in magical Russian style, so that the eyes do not tear. And with the onset of winter filled this hill with us. Before the New year in the middle of the yard grew a huge (to the middle of the Windows on the third floor!) beautiful forest Tree in toys and other ornaments, and made himself a Makarych. In the evening on the tree glowed a great ruby star. Framed the tree with four sides enthusiastically painted by the artist A. M. Mineev in a fabulous Russian style plywood panels. He built us kids a big luxury sandbox with colorful metal flowers (above our growth) posredine, did a log with the head of a horse for gymnastics, hut, hut, sculptures and vases...Disneyland is resting. Good grumpy genius of our yard, Sverdlovsk wonderful artist and after his retirement in 1971, it seems to continue to live in this house and the yard inseparable from its good Maria Ivanovna, and us, long since grown-up children. V. V. Egorov (Griva)