Alexandrovich Ramazanov

Russia • 1815−1867

In 1827 defined in idiorrhythmic pupils of the Imperial Academy of Arts, and in 1833 transferred in full-time academics at public content. Academies sculpting under the main supervision of Professor B. Orel , Ramazanov showed outstanding ability and for his success he was awarded in 1836 and 1837 two silver medals, small and large (the latter for the bas-relief of "the Temptation of the Savior in the wilderness") and in 1838 a small gold medal (for the group of "Milo of Croton, tormented by a lion"). He graduated from the academic course in 1839 with the title of artist XIV class and a large gold medal, awarded to him for the execution of the program the statue of the "Faun carrying a kid". By purchasing with this award the right to travel to foreign lands as a pensioner of the Academy, to send her on a journey participated in the execution of the monuments to Karamzin in Simbirsk, and Derzhavin in Kazan (project S. galberga ), and only in 1842 arrived in Italy and settled in Rome. Here it is fashioned by, among other things, the statue "a Nymph, catching a butterfly sat on her shoulder", which was then executed by order of Emperor Nicholas I , made of marble, but crashed during its transportation to Saint Petersburg. Without completing the six-year period of his pensionerstva, in 1846, was called back to Russia as a result of his collision with the papal police, and shortly after secured a position as teacher of sculpture at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture. Occupying the space until the end of his life, contributed to the education of many young sculptors, and for his intelligence and love for art, enjoyed General respect in the circle of Moscow artists and art lovers. In 1849 recognized as an academician for his or her previous work and teaching, and in 1858 erected, at the suggestion of the President of the Academy, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna , the Professor's rank. Major works Ramazanova, beyond the above - reliefs on the pedestal of the monument to Emperor Nicholas I in St. Petersburg and some of the sculptural decorations on the outer walls of the Moscow Cathedral of the Savior (the high reliefs of the "Vladimir mother of God", "Holy Queen Alexander", "Mary Magdalene", "Anna the Prophetess" and "St. Catherine" on the Eastern portal, "the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow" and "the Monk Savva of Zvenigorod" at one of the Windows arches North side). In addition to sculptures, Ramazanov was also engaged in literature, placing in the "Moscow Gazette", "Russian Gazette" and "a Modern Chronicle" his memories of Russian artists, their biographies and obituaries, notes on art exhibitions and other such news. These articles he wanted to reprint in the form of special collection under the title "Materials for the history of art in Russia", but managed to release only the first part of this edition (Moscow, 1863).

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