Isaakovich Monosone

Russia • 1914−2003

Born in 1914, in Mogilev. In 1943, he entered the Textile Institute in Moscow and began to study the famous masters – Alexander Kuprin and Benjamin ages. In the work Monosson later felt the influence of both artists. And Kuprina he took plastic motives, the picturesque tradition of "Jack of diamonds" and the ages gave his pupil a deep interest in the mapping of Jewish culture and life.

Thus, the artist joined the many Diaspora "Russian Jewish artists" is a unique phenomenon which has no analogue in the world. Painting traditions and motifs that have arisen due to the school pan - the ones that were later continued and developed by Marc Chagall, combining the real world and the fantastic, stories, gleaned from the Torah, and modernity.

Abram Monoszon thought in terms of Jewish culture, and is deeply felt in his work. The artist depicted the Jewish way of life, the life of the Jewish towns, in its reimagining of the Torah. However, it suffered deeply, because we believe that to portray human sinful thought, which violates the Covenant of the Creator, but not to write could not.

In his small-sized paintings of angels and prophets are portrayed as ordinary people, and ordinary people like the prophets. Thick Eva, terrified, covering his head from the angel with a fiery sword, dragging with him from Paradise a basket of apples – you never know what can happen! And the elderly, discussing the six day war, as if turned into prophets. His painting is quite conventional and reminds me of the world of painting by Chagall (including the sky flying characters). And here there is no question of direct borrowing – rather the reason in the thinking of the master, in his perception of the world that mixes the abstract and the real, life tale, the covenants of Torah and communal life.

Picture Monosson surprisingly emotional. The great cycle "Memories of place" includes a variety of works – from the terrible "Holocaust" that causes involuntary Association with the characters of "Guernica" by Picasso, to the romantic's "Prayer." In the film "Fire" in the fire rushing shadow people, full grief the heroes of the leaf Shadow, filled with sorrow and portrait of his mother, who died during the Holocaust. "Belshazzar's feast" exudes horror.

Abram Monoszon lived a long and difficult life. His work was not a success and only being very old, he went to sell his painting on the street, hoping to rescue some money and... I met the Love Agafonova, Director of the gallery "vellum", which specializes in Jewish art. And she was able to appreciate his work. Now Monosson – quite a famous name collectors are revered for the good fortune to own his work, and the fact of the exhibition in Central house of artists and of great interest to her from the audience speaks volumes.

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