Nikolayevich Sadkov

Russia • 1903−1976

Born in 1903 in Moscow in the family of a lithographer. Until 1918 he studied at the educational Department of the Moscow School of painting, sculpture and architecture from artists Miloradovich, Klodt, Alexei Korin, baksheeva; from 1918 to 1920 at the State art studios in Constantine. Korovin and Mikhail Shemyakin; 1922 - 1927 - VHUTEMAS-VHUTEIN in the Studio of I. I. Mashkov, one of the most significant painters of the circle of "Jack of diamonds".

His career V. N. Cages started since 1926 , first as a member of society "Genesis", then "Wing", "OMX" organizations, which had in its leadership such great artists as p. P. Konchalovsky, I. E. Grabar, S. V. Gerasimov, A. V. Kuprin, A. V. Lentulov, I. I. Mashkov, Alexander Osmerkin.

Participated in the following exhibitions:

1928 - 1929 - "the 10-year anniversary of the great October revolucni"; "Artists of the RSFSR EA 15 years" anniversary exhibition in Moscow and Leningrad.

1929 - the exhibition "Children in art".

1930 - the 2nd travelling exhibition.

1931 - the mobile exhibition.

1935 - exhibition: "Spring of the Moscow painters"; "Ural-Kuzbass".

1937 solo exhibition.

1938 - the exhibition "industry of socialism"; by Contracting Painters of the Moscow Association of artists; the sixth of the Union of Moscow artists.

1939 - exhibition of Soviet artists (Bishkek), Moscow and Leningrad artists (far East); "Food industry".

1940 - 7th exhibition of the Moscow Union of artists.

Lived in Maslovka in the house №8 on the ground floor, in a communal apartment. Neighbors were M. A. Kuznetsov, Volga, Tolkach, A. I. Morozov. Cages occupied a large room along with his beautiful wife Galey, whose face resembled the type of Dream, and Verocai daughter, like mother. Family was friends with A. Morozov, David Nuremberg, Tatlin and Tolcacher..."

All these years, Cages is actively working, participating in numerous exhibitions, rides in a creative trip composed of popular creative teams; assigned herewith foreman - that is acknowledged authority among equals.

The personal exhibition of 1937, he wrote of the work:


1. Portrait of Sokolov. Red-oral, a Copper-smelting plant.

2. Overgrown garden.

3. Landscape.


4. A discussion of the collective farm Charter. Turkmenistan. Sketch.

5. Meeting. Turkmenistan.

6. Old Turkmenistan.

7. Portrait.

8. Portrait. Etude.

9. On the Azov sea.

10. On the Azov sea.

11. Evening on the sea.

12. The old boat.

13. Barkas.

14. Cherry blooms.

15. Winter.


16. A self-portrait.

17. Portrait.

18. Etude (Petel).

19. Sketch (pastel).

20. The Surroundings Of Sochi.

21. Mountains. Sochi.

22. Khosta River.

23. Khosta River. In the gorge.

24. Khosta River. Thresholds.

25. Sea.

26. The road is uphill.

27. Cloudy day.

28. The Bay trees.

29. Cloud.

30. Mushrooms. Osenni motive.

31. Roses.

32. Palette.


33. Peaches in bloom.

34. Portrait of the artist's wife.

35. Wild tulips.

36. Still life.

37. On the outskirts of Ashgabat.

38. Stubborn.

Sketches for the painting "Receiving T. Stalin order bearers of Turkmenistan":

39. Zam. Pred. CEC TSSR T. Kurban Durdy ATA Muradov.

40. Head. O. T. F. Sha Oraz Mrad-Mrad.

41. Farmer T. Starbases Qurban Niaz.

42. Farmer Abdurahman Klychev.

43. Farmers Ogul Niyaz Aki and Gol Nabat Ashirova.

In 1941 Sadkova designate responsible for the evacuation of the families of the artists of Scissors.

All of the first years of the war up to 1943 of the Cages works and lives in Moscow. Recent exhibitions 1942 - "the Landscape of our country"; the all-Union exhibition "the Great Patriotic war"; the spring MOSH.

In the fall of ' 43, the unexpected arrest... 2 November 1944 by the decision of the Special Meeting of the Cages Viktor convicted under article 58 paragraph 10 of part 2 of the RSFSR criminal code... the Step is aimed at corrective labour colony of the city of Vologda. 10 years later: V. N. Cages are fully rehabilitated and returned to Moscow, reinstated in all the rights (including Mosh). A family was destroyed a long absence. He never appears on the Upper Maslovka... With his new wife (also visited the link), he settles in a room on Frunze embankment, and here is born his second daughter Olga.

Cages is now working in the Studio on Tverskaya street, not particularly noisy notice of the art fraternity. Only ten years later (in 1963) he again took part in the major exhibition "XXX years of MOSKH".

Marvel at the amazing Sadkova persistence in following the chosen professional path. In 1967 in Moscow in the Central House of workers of arts of the USSR (arts), still held his solo exhibition. Last.

The exhibition presents 70 paintings 1960-1966 gg and 25 graphic works of the same period. Exhibition dedicated to the fortieth anniversary of creative activity Viktor Nikolaevich: the modest catalogue, cautious introductory article by V. Lobanov...

This exhibition, which Cages have made so many of their own forces, he makes a last attempt to break through the blank wall of alienation, detachment from one "sitting". But the flywheel official oblivion inexorably doing its job. Albums not reissued disappear from libraries; work hiding away in the vaults of museums.

The rest of my life Cages have lived in the House of artists on the street zholtovskogo. Worked a little, almost all the time devoting to the care of a sick wife and baby daughter .

Died V. N. Cages 2 APR 1976 after a heavy, fast flowing disease.

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