Grigorievna Ufa

Russia • née en 1937

Biographie et informations

Graphic artist, painter. Honored. worker of arts of the Republic of Karelia (1985). Honored. artist of the Russian Federation. The Laureate Of The State. prize of the Karelian ASSR (1975). He graduated from the Leningrad HUD.-PED. Uch-school (1960). Participant of exhibitions: resp. in Petrozavodsk in 1963, and artists of Karelia in Moscow and Leningrad (1980), the region. – "Soviet North" (Arkhangelsk, 1964; Kirov, 1967; Petrozavodsk, 1969; Vologda, 1974; Komi, 1979; Novgorod, 1984), prod. artists ed. resp. RSFSR (Moscow, 1971), prod. artists ed. Rep., reg. and NAT. env. (Moscow, 1989), vseros. (1965, 1967, 1970), proceedings of all-Union. (1967), abroad. – in the GDR (1972, 1977, 1983, 1986), Finland (1966, 1972, 1976, 1985), Sweden (1971), Grup. mobile (Moscow, Berlin, Irkutsk, Tehran, 1989; Sweden, Finland, Norway, 1990; Finland, 1990). Personal exhibitions. Participant of competitions of artists books: all -. (1961, 1967, 1971, 1977), proceedings of all-Union. (1970).

The work of Y. – the Museum will depict. the claim in Rep. Karelia, Kraeved. the Museum REP. Karelia, the museums of Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Syktyvkar, the Valaam state historical-architectural. and natural Museum-reserve, gallery "Raul-Repola" (Helsinki), in private collections of Russia, USA, France, Norway, Sweden, and Austria.

(Source: encyclopedia)

Graphic artist, painter; book artist, designer. D. Wells was born in Zadonsk district of Lipetsk region. in 1937 he Graduated from the Leningrad pedagogical College of art (1956-1960). Laureate of the State prize of the RK (1975), honored artist of Kazakhstan (1985), people's artist of Karelia (200?), honored artist of Russia (1999). Member of the CX (1966).

Works: easel graphics "Sweater", "Loukhi and daughter" (1962), "the Bride Pohjola", "Aino" (1963), "Ladvinskiy landscape" (1964), "rune-singers", "the Word about Igor's regiment" (triptych, 1966), "Memories of lādwa" (1968), "Waiting" (1972), "My street", "the bride's Lament" (1973), "the Swan of death" (1974), "Aino" (1982), "The bride" (1983), "Pohjola" (1984), "Aino" (1987; 1994-1995); ed. "Karelia" - P. Lahti, "Tales" (1961), "Kalevala" (1966, 1970), Z. Topelius, "Winter's tale" (1967), "Beauty is Real" (1968), A. S. Pushkin, "the tale of the dead Princess and the seven knights" (1970, 1978), G. – H. Andersen, "the Swineherd" (1972), "the snow Queen" (1977), "Black duck" (1978), Z. Topelius, "Tales" (1979), G.-H. Andersen, "Tales and stories" (1980), br. Grimm, "Snow white and the seven dwarfs" (1981), V. Zhukovsky, "Tales" (1982), Charles Perrault, "Cinderella" (1984), "Three magic leaf" (1985),; set design (FT) – Topelius, Z., "Winter's tale" (1966), H. Ibsen, "Ghosts" (1967), A. Lindgren "the Kid and Carlson" (1968), H. Ibsen, "GEDA Gabler" (1981), the State Academic drama theatre. Pushkin (Leningrad) – V. Belov, "Over light water" (1978), (CT) – "the Karelian fairy tale" (1985), "Paintings of the Kalevala (1995).

Exhibitions: all-Union (1967), national (1965,1967,1970), of artists of Kazakhstan in Moscow (1980) and Leningrad (1980), autonomy (1971, 1989), North-64-84, of artists of Kazakhstan – 1962, East Germany (Neubrandenburg– 1972, 1977, 1983, 1986), Finland (Varkaus – 1966,1972, 1976, 1985), Sweden (Umea – 1971), group traveling exhibition of fine arts (Moscow, Berlin, Irkutsk, Tehran 1989; Sweden, Finland, Norway – 1990, Finland – 1990). Talent books: all-Union (1970), national (1961, 1967, 1971, 1977).

Location of works: CMIE, kgcm, Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar, CX RK.