Nikiforovich Volodchenko

Biographie et informations

Member of the Union of Artists of the former USSR and Ukraine, Crimea since 1981 was Born in Makeyevka, Donetsk region. In 1962, he graduated from the Crimean art College im. Samokish. Worked in the Simferopol art Museum, a secondary school, taught in the Crimean art College. In 1972 he graduated from the Lvov polygraphic Institute, faculty of Graphics. In 1974, in his creative workshop was organized by the Studio of Amateur artists, in 1979, she received the national title. S. N. Volodchenko is a participant of regional, city, Republican, all-Union exhibitions and exhibitions in the twin cities and continues to work productively as a painter, graphic artist, muralist. A great contribution was made towards the establishment of Alushta children's art school, was its first Director. As a lecturer Society "Knowledge" for residents and guests of the resort, vacationers lectured on Russian and Soviet artists.

The results of the creative life of artists is the exhibition of their works. Exhibition of watercolors "In his native country," brought together works by twenty years.

Grain of any image – an impression. So great was the desire of the artist to travel around the country, see for yourself a different country the USSR, filled with vivid impressions.

In 1967-1968 gg makes a trip to the Carpathians, where the traditions of the Ukrainian culture and way of life preserved. Lives in the mountains with the shepherds, coming down the rivers on rafts from the rafters – not parted with a sketchbook.

In 1969-1970 gg, the artist visited in Yaroslavl, in Borisoglebsk, Rostov Veliky, Uglich, Arkhangelsk. Culture of the Russian North was interested in those years many scientists, writers, artists. Northern nature, severe and chaste, this is not like the native South, has opened to the artist on the Solovetsky Islands, in p. stone on the river Mezen'. Ancient Russia, its culture, monasteries and temples have left a mark in the memory of a lifetime. The images of Russia came to life and on the paintings depicting the life of architectural and historical monuments on the island of Valaam, Solovki, Kostroma, Nerekhta, Pereyaslav-Zalessky, Yaroslavl, Moscow.

A special place in the work of S. N. Volodchenko occupy landscapes of the Crimea, natural images of family and friends. Seem unshakable mountain peaks, the eternal sea, reflecting tints of the sky, the green valleys, blooming gardens and people, as particles of this ancient beauty. For these works a distinctive emotional, lyrical and philosophical content. nature appears as a world of eternal truths, knowledge and beauty.

Creative works are notable for the subtle beauty of the picturesque building and poetry, convey the nuances of mood, characterized by a tendency to a static composition. It gives time for thinking visually, trying to stop the race of time in order to comprehend what he saw.

In the hustle and bustle of the cities, we are increasingly alienated from nature, the less we feel the need to communicate with her, cease to see it as an equal interlocutor.

Presents the monumental, pictorial and graphic works can be understood as lyrical and romantic journey into nature, where there is an opportunity to stop and think about something important, eludes us in the hectic days.

S. N. Volodchenko lives in Alushta from 1973

  • Études