Alekseevich Makarov

Russia • 1827−1873

Biographie et informations

An auditor student at the Academy of arts from 1851, he Received medals: in 1854 – 2 silver; in 1855 – 1 silver; in 1857 – 2 gold for the "project of the higher theatre school". In 1858 – the title of class artist for 2проект the Catholic Cathedral". In 1859, the title of academician. In 1861 the title of Professor for the erection in St. Petersburg built: Commercial school and the house G. Lopatin. From 1868 a member of the building Committee when the IV Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery.


Russian architect M. A. Makarov was born on 8 Nov 1827 in Kiev. Even as a child he lost his parents, but the boy took to himself a tradesman in Kiev Makarov, the namesake, and perhaps a relative. He took part in the fate of orphans, gave him his early education, and then identified in the gymnasium. Not completing the full gymnasium course, M. A. Makarov left the school bench and enrolled in cadets in one of the army regiments. But after six months he resigned and decided by the student in one of Kiev's pharmacies, in order to free time to visit, as a free student, medical faculty of St. Volodymyr University in Kiev.

For extra money, he began to produce drawings of anatomical specimens. His artistic talent was so strong that M. A. Makarov against the advice of University professors, which promised him a successful career in medicine, abandoned her and there, in Kiev, began to study architecture under the guidance of local architect Beretti. Vincent Beretti studied at the Academy of fine Arts; was city architect in St. Petersburg, a member of the Committee on construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral and Professor of architecture in 1834 he supervised the construction of the building of the Kiev University. However, teacher M. A. Makarov had to leave due to his too ardent courtship of the daughter of Beretta. In 1851 M. A. Makarov went to St. Petersburg and became volnoprihodyaschim student of the Imperial Academy of fine arts, where his mentors were the first A. Stackenschneider, and then the City boss.

The talent of the young architect in St. Petersburg were opened almost immediately for its projects already in 1854 he was awarded the silver medal of the 2nd degree; and in 1855 the silver medal of the 1st degree. Great success came to M. A. Makarov in 1857, when he was awarded a Small Gold medal for the project theatre school-owned equipment to his theatre. In 1858, for the project of the Catholic Cathedral he was awarded the title of class artist. Although this project is not inferior to the works offered for a gold medal, the architect did not receive the desired award, as it would give him the right to be sent at public expense abroad for further improvement, and he was already older than the age in which students of the Academy are commonly sent to foreign lands.

M. A. Makarov graduated from the Academy of Arts in 1858. After graduation worked as an assistant at G. A. Bosse and A. I. Stakenschneider. Together with the boss, worked on the construction of the Palace of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich, in the Mikhailovka between Strelna and Peterhof, and soon began serving in the Board of Trustees as a Junior architect.

In 1859 for his old project of the Catholic Cathedral (1858) and other works he was awarded the title of academician. From the first independent works Makarova, special attention deserves a big manor house with a farm and other business facilities built on the estate of Countess Kuleshova-Bezborodko "Malysheva", Pskov province. Starting around this time to buy more and more practice at the St. Petersburg homeowners, primarily from wealthy merchants, Makarov quickly took a prominent place among the architects as master to combine the beauty of the facades and General finishing of buildings with their adaptability to the purposes for which they were intended.

In 1860, Mikhail Makarov was the architect of the Nikolaev orphan Institute and Alexander's orphanage. Marriage in 1864, the daughter of the merchant Yakovlev brought a Makarov with the circle of wealthy Petersburg merchant and gave him a lot of large orders. In 1865, the Guardian Council announced a competition for a building project for a Commercial school in St. Petersburg, but of all the solutions to this problem none has been deemed worthy of the award. Makarov, who was among the judges of the contest were invited to draft the required building, and his drawings and plans have recognized the best.

Of the many buildings erected by him in St. Petersburg, in particular deserve to be mentioned the house M. I. Lopatin on Nevsky prospect, 100 (1865-1866), Troinicnogo, Krundyshev, Lesnikova, Bazilevsky, Thunder, Antonov Company, the home of the Marquis Paulucci, Bolshaya Morskaya street (1873), the house of the clergy of St. Isaac's Cathedral Konnogvardeisky Boulevard, the metochion of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the home for Yakovlev and Egorova in Kuznechny lane (1865-1866), the house of Prince Vasilchikov (1865-1866), Liphart's house on Nevsky prospect and some other. In those same years (1865-1867), he built eight cottages in the estate of Princess Kusheleva "Ligovo" and a chapel for Princess T. D. Stroganov.

He is the author of many architectural projects and buildings produced for his service to the Guardian Council. The most successful product Makarov can be considered the building of the St. Petersburg Commercial school in Chernyshev lane. For this building and the apartment house of M. I. Lopatin Makarov in 1867 received the title of Professor. In 1868 he was chosen a member of the construction Committee at the IV Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery. Was also in the Economic Construction of the City Commission and an honorary member of the children's shelters. Member of the St. Petersburg society of architects in 1870.

The life of a talented architect suddenly interrupted. 19 November 1873, in the house of Antonov, where he lived Makarov, there was a fire in the store of pharmaceutical products. In fear from the danger that threatened his home and family, Makarov, hastily taking the children with her, went in a cab to his relative Lopatin, who at that time was his wife. Dear he felt ill, and forty minutes after it was brought, died. Professor of architecture buried at Nikolskoe cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra. He was only a little more than 45 years. His wife, Olga, survived her husband by almost 10 years, but she died very early, in August, 1882, at the age of 44 years. She was buried beside her husband.

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