Ivanovich Zeidler

Russia • 1816−1892

Lieutenant-General, son of I. B. Zeidler; studied in the school guard sub-ensigns and cadets; he served in the Preobrazhensky life guards regiment. Grodno hussar regiment; he participated in military actions in the Caucasus; has been the Nizhny Novgorod police chief, and later served in the North-Western region (1869-1885). Aspiration of art classes he showed in 1835, when they were sculpted figurines blind beggar and old woman, which has gained some popularity. In 1844 C., while in St. Petersburg, attended workshops by the best artists. During this time he studied by prof I. P. Vitali sculptural technique and in 1845 performed a medallion-portrait was. kN. Mikhail Pavlovich for the led. kN. Elena Pavlovna. Further studies sculpture he kept in the Studio of prof. S. Pimenov. In 1859 they exhibited in the Academy of fine arts bust of S. J. Original, a large group, they have fashioned out of wax: "Fight deer", and "Hound dog Fox", for which TS was awarded the title of honorary member. In addition to these works known work T.: the medallion-portrait of the artist P. M. Sadovsky and a medallion of the Emperor Alexander III, made from nature and in the Academy of fine arts. In addition to sculptural works, TS wrote oil paints. He also belong to the "Notes of the Caucasian officer" ("Russian Gazette", 1883). Love, drama, and TS contributed much to the establishment and improvement of the Russian theater in Vilnius, who owe him a lot. C. was in good relations with Mikhail Lermontov, who wrote his impromptus, starting with the words: "Russian German blond". {Brockhaus}

Lieutenant-General; son of Ivan Bogdanovich of Zeidler, born in Odessa July 23, 1816; was educated first at the gymnasium in Irkutsk, and then in the school guard sub-ensigns and cadets; in 1833, entered the service as a cadet in the life guards Grodno hussar regiment. In 1838, with the rank of Lieutenant, seconded Zeidler was in the Caucasus and in this and next year participated in the expedition against the highlanders, under the command of the chief of the black sea coastal line of Lieutenant General Raevsky, a two-time driving through the land of neuhaeusel from Novorossiysk to Anapa. In 1849, on the occasion of the war with Hungary, Zeidler was in the March of the guards to the Western borders of the Empire, and from 7 March to 28 Oct 1854 in Finland, the troops guarding the coast of St. Petersburg gubernia. The highest order of 23 December 1859, Zeidler, in the rank of Colonel, was appointed chief of police in Nizhny Novgorod, April 4, 1865, made for distinguished service to major General with leaving at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and enrollment at the army cavalry. On 4 July of the same year Zeidler was seconded to the Vilna Governor-General, and in 1869, December 14, appointed to the command of the commander of the troops of the Vilna military district. The service in the North-Western edge of the M. I. remained until April 10, 1835, when he was discharged from reserve of the army to resign, with production to Lieutenant General. Zeidler was not only a man of service, he was a famous artist, honorary free member of the Academy of Arts. Aspiration of art classes he showed in 1835, when they were sculpted first statuary blind beggar and old woman, which has gained some popularity. In 1844 Zeidler was adjutant under General Plautine and, while in St. Petersburg, attended workshops by the best artists. During this time he studied with Professor Vitali And P. sculptural technique and the next, 1845, executed a medallion-portrait of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich to Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna. Further studies sculpture he kept in the workshop of the famous Professor H. S. Pimenov, under his personal leadership. In 1859 they were exhibited at the Academy of fine Arts bust of S. J. Original, a large group, they have fashioned out of wax: "Fight deer" and "Hound dog Fox," drew the attention of Baron P. K. Klodt; the academic Council has awarded Zeidler the title of honorary member. In addition to these works of Zeidler known the following of his works: the medallion-portrait of the famous artist P. M. Sadovsky and a medallion of the Emperor Alexander III, made on March 2, 1881, from nature, in His Majesty's Own Office, and in the Academy of fine Arts. In addition to sculptural works, Zeidler wrote oil paints and he also belongs to "Notes of the Caucasian officer", published in "Russian Gazette 1883. Featuring hot love for theatrical arts, Zeidler much contributed to the establishment and improvement of the Russian theater in Vilnius, who owe him a lot. Zeidler was in good relations with his fellow — Mikhail Lermontov, who wrote his impromptus, starting with the words: "Russian German blond", etc. As a person impressionable, receptive, M. I. had a kind, sympathetic heart, ready to help anyone in need. These qualities of his, in connection with the vividness and energy of his character, made him respond to every case, which his goal is help your neighbor. Zeidler died 13 Jun 1892 in Vilna. The Vilnius calendar for 1893, Wilna, 1893, p. 251-253. — The nobility of the family Zeidler in the files of the Department of heraldry of the Rights. Of the Senate. V. Garskiy. {The Cumans}

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