Ivanovich Rezanov

Russia • 1818−1887


Died 1887-11-18

A graduate of the Academy of arts from 1827 To 1833 enrolled at public content. Received medals: in 1837 – 2 and 1 silver; in 1839 – 1 gold for the program: "the Project theatre school"; in the same year – the title of the artist XIV class and awarded a sword. In 1842 he was sent by the pensioner of Academy of arts abroad. Performed, together with pensioners Benoit and Krakau, drawings Horvatsko Cathedral. In 1850, the title of academician; in 1852 the title of Professor of degree 2 for the program: "Project of the Greek-Russian Church in the graveyard." In 1855 he was commissioned to lecture at the Academy of fine arts. Since 1871 the rector in the part of the architecture. Was a friend of the chief architect for the construction of Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Main work: Metropoly Church in Vilna, Livadia Palace, Palace of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich in St. Petersburg, the Palace of the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich in Ilyinskoe near Moscow completed the construction of the temple of Christ the Savior in Moscow.


He was educated at the Academy of art, went retired to Italy; in 1850 Rezanov was recognized as an academician, and in 1852 Professor. A wide range of activities showed Rezanov after the Polish uprising of 1863, when in different places of the Western region began to be erected Orthodox churches. Some of the churches in Vilnius them restored in the local Romanesque style of the XIV century, the other resumed in the Russian style of XVI century, others built in the style of Russian-romance. In 1871, Rezanov became rector of architecture at the Academy, and in 1872 was appointed as the assistant chief architect of the Builder of the Temple of the Savior in Moscow - Tones, which he then replaced. His ingenuity belong to the Byzantine-Russian ornaments and home marble iconostasis of the Church. Of capital works Rezanov's most amazing palaces in Livadia and St. Petersburg, the project of the Moscow Duma in the Moscow style of the seventh century the chapel of the Iveron mother of God in Moscow. Its many monumental buildings Rezanov contributed to the development and strengthening of the architecture of Russian style, expertly pairing it with romance.

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