Mikhailovich Khodov

Russia • 1942−1988

Biographie et informations

Born in the city of Yuzha in the Ivanovo region in a peasant family. Honored artist of the RSFSR (1985). Silver medalist of the USSR Academy of arts (1974), winner of the regional prize. Lenin Komsomol (1978). A member of the artists Union of the RSFSR since 1971. In 1957-1962 years he studied at the Palekh art school. Teachers - T. V. Bondarenko, V. I. Golov, A. F. Kourtev, I. V. Markichev, B. M. Nemtinov, I. M. Bakanov. In 1962, 1966-1988, he worked at the Palekh art-production workshops. In 1962-1966 he served in the Northern fleet (submariner, petty officer 1st article). In 1978-1988, he was a member of the editorial Board of the journal "Young artist". In 1978, he was Deputy Chairman and 1986 Chairman of the Palekh branch of the Union of artists of the RSFSR. Died 31 Aug 1988, buried in Palekh.

The works of V. M. Khodov allocates a new search and entering in the tradition of Palekh letters. Was engaged in monumental painting (painting of the cinema "Ruslan" in the town of Pushkin of the Leningrad region (1971-1972), foyer Ivanovo Palace of culture and technology of the textile they. 30-letiya Pobedy (1974), Room of fairy tales Children's musical theater in Moscow (1979-1982)), theatrical-decorative art (costumes and canopy for the choreographic miniature "the snow maiden" of the Leningrad theatre of miniatures under the leadership of L. Yakobson (1970-1971)), registration of books ("the Sleeping Princess" by V. A. Zhukovsky (1977), "Murom tales" (1983)). Themes of works: folklore, history, literature, revolutionary, architecture, genre scenes. Participated in exhibitions since 1968.

The work of V. M. Khodov are stored in museums: gmpi, timing, Umgeni, PIM, Ivanovo OXM, historical Museum, Russian Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12", Pgaas, HF Russia.