Arkadievich Paramonov

Russia • né en 1919

Born in the village Sabiha Ivanovo-Voznesensk province. Member of the Union of artists of Russian Federation since 1953. In 1934-1939, he studied at the Palekh art school. Teacher - D. N. Butorin, N. M.Zinoviev, I. V. Markichev. From 1939, he worked at the Association of Palekh artists. In 1968-1978 he worked as a restorer of tempera painting in the State Museum of Palekh art. Developed a technique of restoration of Palekh lacquers. In 1976 he participated in the restoration of wall paintings of Holy cross Church in Palekh. In 1977-1978 he taught the course "principles of restoration" in Palekh art school. Themes of works: folklore, literature. Participant of exhibitions since 1951. V. A. Paramonov are stored in museums: gmpi, GRM, MNI, NGKHM, GMAN, DEM, HF Russia.

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