Lvovich Parilov

Russia • 1880−1956

Born February 22 (6 March) 1880 in Palekh. Hereditary icon painter. Cousin M. I. Parilova. In 1889-1895, he studied in the icon painting workshop.GN M.Safonova on licznika. Teachers - V. S. Speransky, M. P. Parilov. Painted the walls of churches factories Yuryuzan, Katav-the Ivanovo and Ust-Katav Ufa province, were engaged in the restoration of the frescoes. Since 1930 he worked in the Artel of ancient painting. Teacher - I. I. Golikov. Died 29 Mar 1956, buried in Palekh.

Was engaged in theatrical-decorative painting, book illustration. Themes of works: folklore, literature, genre scenes, antique, modern. Participated in exhibitions since 1933.

Works P. L. Parilov are stored in museums: gmpi, TG, Umgeni, PIM, SHAMS, Bashkir art Museum, NGKHM, far Eastern art Museum, Ivanovo, OKM, OKM Kirov, Russian Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12", the State Museum of A. M. Gorky.

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