Petrovich Kreitan

Russia • 1832−1896

Received his education at the Academy of fine Arts. His statue "the Sower" (plaster copy) - in the Museum of the Academy. Issued his bust of V. A. Zhukovsky , set in the Alexander garden in St. Petersburg, and round the figure of "Cupid".

A native of Finland, the son of a provincial sculptor. He studied at the Imperial Academy of arts (1858-1863) by professors P. K. Klodt and N. S. Pimenov. He received a small gold medal for the statue "the Sower" (1862). Together with 13 artists refused to contest for the gold medal and came out of the Imperial Academy of arts (1863) with the title of class artist of 2 nd degree. Joining the St. Petersburg artel of artists (1863), government and private orders for execution of portraits and various kinds of decorative crafts. For the creation of portrait busts of figures of Russian culture of V. A. Zhukovsky (1867) and Mikhail Lermontov (1869) was given the title of the artist 1-th degree (1869). Worked as an art teacher in the 2nd military school of St. Petersburg. He taught modelling at St. Petersburg RSOP (1870-1891). Worked in the sculpture Studio of p. P. Zabello in the Imperial Academy of arts, where he created a portrait of N. Gogol (1892).

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