Vladimirovich Kudryashev

Russia • 1902−1944

Biographie et informations

1902 Born in Tetyushi, Tatarstan.

1919-21 Worked as an artist in the ranks of the red Army.

1920 Studied at the Kazan art school at V. Bogatyrev, V. Shcherbakov.

After 1922 he lived in Moscow.

1923-1929 Studied at the VKhUTEMAS.

1920s Played political posters. Moscow.

1920s-1930s Work in the field of sculpture.

1942 Died in Moscow.

A short period of time was given to Vladimir Kudryashev for life and work, but it very early became a Mature master. All created works, even the earliest, are characterized by originality, unique style, original different implementing effects. His sharp pencil drawings are devoid of revolutionary pathos. Referring to the tradition of the old masters, he originally alter their composition.

He was lucky with teachers. At the Kazan art school (later reorganized into AROMAS) he learned from a brilliant N.And. Feshin. And in Moscow (VHUTEMAS), his teachers were the famous masters of Vladimir Favorsky and N. Peacocks. The sculpture he studied with S. Lebedeva, and I. Efimova. Some drawings and sketches Kudryashov used expressive contour line. In this he remained faithful to the precepts of Mao and Efimova, creatively reflecting on their lessons.

After graduating from art school he worked in Kazan as a portrait-painter, a decorator of theatrical productions, linogravura. The miniature etchings of the series "Kazan Kremlin" created by 20-year-old artist not only reveals his mastery and originality, they also have historical value as many of them embodied in architectural monuments have not reached us.

The 100th anniversary of Pushkin's death Kudryashov has created his bronze bust, more than 100 sketches, where the poet is depicted in various poses, angles, in motion and at rest. On one sheet Pushkin sits leaning on the back of a chair, next to the ominous shadow, like the specter of death. There are two large pastel portrait of Pushkin artist looking for physiognomic similarity. In one portrait exaggerated African features of the poet: thick lips, bulging forehead. And manner of execution of financially-significant. On another more lyrical recreated the image of the poet.

Very nice pastels on mythological themes — plastically flexible, loose, finely nuanced ("the judgment of Paris"). A curious detail: to work in a new technique Kudryashov was able after a relative of his wife A. L. Pasternak, the son of the famous artist L. O. Pasternak, gave him boxes of pastels that belonged to went abroad father.

...It is in the family, among relatives, the artist found understanding, peace, inspiration, and could realize your unclaimed in a wider world of creative potential. With infinite love he again and again draws his wife, reading, sleeping. He experiments with techniques and never repeated, each time reveals a new feature that enriches the image. Same with images of my son playing painting. A lot of drawings on the theme of motherhood.

Another story of lack of demand and a lack of understanding in the "big" world. The organizing Committee of the International exhibition in new York ordered Kudryasheva sculptural group in bronze on the theme of "Motherhood". But the work is not like V. M. Molotov (Soviet woman to portray the boss!), and she was expelled from the exhibition. As in the images of Pushkin in the portraits and in this work Kudryashov worked against party regulations...

(from the article Victoria Khan-Magomedova's "the Return")