Karlovich Levenshtern

Russia • 1838−1904

B. in Saint-Petersburg. Engineer-architect, a pupil of the St. Petersburg architectural school, from which he graduated in 1858. Worked in Livonia (1858 - 1862), in Kursk province (1862 - 1870), in the Turkestan military district (1872 - 1876). Architect of the Petersburg military district (1876 - 1883), then served in the office building of the Ministry of the Imperial court (1878 - 1887), in the Technical construction Committee of the Ministry of interior (1887). Died in St. Petersburg. While working in the building-road Committee of the Kursk provincial Council in 1866 became the Kursk city architect. Built in the Kursk building women's gymnasium (now - Kursk state University), provincial Treasury, post office, gymnasium (now one of the buildings of the factory "Electroapparat"), a passenger station, St. Yamskaya, was the author of the reconstruction project of Kursk theatre for the Noble Assembly etc. Some time was a "contractor" in the construction of the Moscow-Kursk railway. In Kursk province has built churches, Rylsk (Church of the ascension, 1866), Novy Oskol (the bell tower of the Epiphany Church, many private houses and other buildings. The author of the project of industrial buildings of the St. Petersburg Cartridge and the Okhta powder factories and barracks in the Red Village (1880 - 1890s).

Lit.: V. Shcherbachenko, Kursk ...And other architects. Urban news. No. 10 - 11 from 23.01.1993.

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