Adrianovich Shuklin

Russia • 1869−1047

Biographie et informations

B. in D. Shulinka Kurskiy district. The first drawing lessons he took from his father the painter, A. I., shuklina, the Kursk icon painter M. F. karachevtseva (1880 - 1883). He was a volunteer at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (1887 - 1890), studied at K. V. Lebedev. Lived in Kursk, before the revolution, had icon-painting workshop. Participated in the creation of the Partnership the Kursk artists, was part of his rule. From 1909 to 1940 was repeatedly presented his work at the provincial regional exhibitions. Work sh there are in the Kursk art gallery named after A. A. Deineka and in the Kursk regional Museum of local lore.

(J. A. Bugrov)

  • Associations artistiques
  • Études
  • Professeurs