Yulievich Becker

Russia • né en 1940

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Work is represented in galleries Krasnoarmeysk.

1940 - was born in Odessa, Ukraine

1955-1960 studied at the Odessa art College

1960-1966 he was studying at the painting faculty of art and industrial Institute in Kharkov, Ukraine

since 1970 - member of the artists Union of the USSR

since 1991 - member of Union of artists of Ukraine

1966 - the beginning of active creative work in painting and graphics (linocut, lithography, etching)

1968 - creation of the first ex-libris in the technique of linocut

1970-1980 - mastering the art of dry-point and mezzotint

1968-2006 he fulfilled 884 bookplate, a large number of book illustrations, easel graphics

Participated in 68 exhibitions in Ukraine and 54 in foreign countries

Held more than 50 solo exhibitions: 8 in Odessa, 5 in Russia, 7 in Germany, 9 in Poland, 3 in the Netherlands, 5 in Japan, 2 in Luxembourg and the Czech Republic and other countries

Laureate and winner of numerous exhibitions and competitions (18 international awards), including: I prize them. A. dürer in Germany, 1988 first prize in the competition "Reynaert de Vos" in Belgium — 1995 Grand Prix in Japan — 2000

The best ex-libris of the year in Poland and Bulgaria.

The winner of the competition "Your names, Odessa" in the nomination "the Best master of fine art (graphics)"

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