Vladimirovich Timofeev

Russia • 1886−1954

Biographie et informations

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Born in the city of Vologda in the family of a poor worker. In his youth, was given to the training of local painter, but, eager to become a real artist, after a long ordeal comes at the Stroganov art school in Moscow, which ends in 1910

During the First world war was an officer in the Russian army. Participant in the civil war. In 1921, demobilized from the red Army, he, along with N. M. By seracini formed a Partnership of the Vologda artists, whose task was to confused to help to find a place in the new society novice painters.

С1922 to 1947, Vladimir Timofeev worked as a teacher of painting and drawing at the secondary school No 1 of the Falcon, carried on extensive work among young artists. Trained a whole galaxy of talented students, who became famous artists: N. Baskakova, M. Larichev, V. Tikhomirov, V. Korbakov, Gavrilov, Ollo, N. Vdovina, N. Kremleva and others. Also designed the clubs, the people's house, wrote the scenery, directed the drama circle, was one of the audience favorite Amateur artists.

Vladimir Timofeev was an active participant in many regional and national exhibitions in Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Moscow and other cities.

A favorite theme of his works were landscapes and portraits. A large collection of works of the artist are kept in the funds Sokolsky historical Museum. Many paintings are in the Museum and art gallery of Vologda, the Museums of Cherepovets and Kirillov.

  • Associations artistiques
  • Études
  • Élèves