Maksimovich Roshko

Russia • né en 1941

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. The chief designer of the Chelyabinsk state academic Opera and ballet theatre. M. I. Glinka (1986). Lit.: Leonid Maksimovich Roshko // actors (Chelyabinsk). - 1997. - № 2.- P.9.

(R. 19.02.1941, Serov, Sverdlovsk region), theatre. painter, member. Artists Union of Russia (1975), honored. worker of arts of Russia (1996). In 1968 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk arts. Uch-school them. I. D. Shadr. She trained in Leningrad (class of Nar. artist of RSFSR, laureate of the State. Ave., Akad. E. S. Kochergina, 1984-86). In 1975-80 / artist Person. the puppet theatre. In 1980-86 he worked in Leningrad. branch of the USSR Union Since 1986. artist People. theatre of Opera and ballet. R. work was exhibited at VDNKH (1975) int. exhibitions. Awarded diploma In “scenography” in Intern. festival the Golden Dolphin (Varna, 1981), winner. of the festival “Theatre spring” (1994-95). In 1991 in Person. Exhibition hall of the SC took place people. exhibition of works by R. Scored more than 120 performances of Opera, ballet, dramatic. and performances of puppet theatres in different cities of Russia. Including people on stage Opera: “Impatience” by A. Zhurbin (1986); “La Boheme” by Puccini. Puccini (1987); “Night of modern choreography” to music different computer. (1988); “The Snow Maiden” N. Rimsky-Korsakov (1989); “Pagliacci” By R. Leoncavallo (1990); “Caution! Baba Yaga!” V. Pleshaka (1991); “Ah Yes Balda!” B. Kravchenko, “Eugene Onegin” By P. Tchaikovsky (1992); “La Traviata” By G. Verdi. Verdi; “Le Corsaire” by A. Adam (1993); “don Quixote” by L. Minkus; “Mowgli” sh chalaeva (1994); “the marriage of Figaro” V. A. Mozart; “Red riding hood” M. Rauhvergera (1995); “Tosca” by Puccini (1996); “Les Sylphides” by Chopin; “BAYADERA” I. Kalman (1997); “Il Trovatore” by Verdi; “Carmina Burana” by C. Orff (1998); “Joan of Arc at the stake” by A. Honegger; “Carmen” By Georges Bizet (2000). The work of R. are kept in the Theater. Museum. A. A. Bakhrushin (Moscow), COCH in ROS. the center of UNIMA (the international. Association of figures of puppet theatre) of Arts. Fund of Russia and in private collections in Russia and abroad.

(author: S. I. Chadov)

Lit.: F e d o R L. the Return of spring and the snow maiden // HF. 1989. 4 Mar; D u x I n and I. the Theater of Leonid Rosca // HF. 1996. 23 Feb.; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia, 1936-1991: Right. / AVT.-comp. O. A. Kudzaev. H, 1996; R a d h e n K o A. In the Opera I am a young artist // Delovoy Ural (H). 2001. 23 Feb.; M a R I n and T. In the theater you get like a tram // CHR. 2001. 24 Febr.

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