Vitalievich Kotov

Russia • né en 1952

Biographie et informations

Born in the city of Rubtsovsk, Altai territory in the family working. Began writing at the age of 20 while serving in the Navy. In 1978 he graduated from Novoaltaisk art school. Worked as a graphic designer in the village of Pervomaisky yegoryevsky district, Altai Krai, teacher of drawing, painting and composition at the art school for children Rubtsovsk. He was Director of the city art gallery. Works in the genre of landscape. Since 1985, he exhibited his works at exhibitions, including personal. A participant of regional exhibitions since 1986-regional exhibition "Siberia socialist" (1991, Krasnoyarsk). Major works: "Landscape with bridge" (1989), "old Park" (1989), "My hometown" (1998), "the Baikal jungle" (1991) - these works are situated in Rubtsovskiy art gallery. Reproductions of works published in the album "the Artists of Altai" (Barnaul, 2001).

Publish about the author:

1. Bogatyreva E. And pours beauty on canvas // Local time.-1997.-3 St.

2. Kotov Yu: Exhibition of works: Directory.-Rubtsovsk,1994

3. Saprykin T. a painter's brush, obedient to the mood // Local time.-1993.-28 APR.

4. The Artists Of Altai. Twentieth century.-Barnaul,2001.-P. 132

  • Études