Georgievna Kholueva

Russia • née en 1936

Biographie et informations

Honored artist of Russia (1990). Laureate of Nizhny Novgorod award (1996). Honorary diploma of the Ministry of culture of Russia (1990). Was born in Torzhok, Kalinin oblast. He studied at the Leningrad College of industrial arts. V. I. Mukhina (1957-1960). He graduated MVHPU (b. Stroganov) (1960-1964). Works in the genres of easel and monumental sculpture. Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1970. 1968 - the constant participant of regional exhibitions. Exhibitor of zonal ("Great Volga", 1967, 1970, 1974, 1980, 1985, 1991, 1998, 2003), Republican (Moscow, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1980, 1985), all-Union (Moscow, 1964,1976, 1982), national (Moscow, 1999, 2000) art exhibitions. The author of the monument: "Teachers and students" (1970), A. A. Andronova, "George the victorious" (1995). He taught at the finished the art school (1990-2000), and currently teaches at the GHEE at NNGASU (1999).

  • Études