Gerasimovich Mishin

He graduated in 1972 from the Leningrad Higher art-industrial school named after V. I. Mukhina (Saint Petersburg), a workshop of Professor G. A. Savinov.Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1978. The name Mishina included among the best draftsmen in the world.

Lives and works in Chelyabinsk. Muralist. Author of several monumental panels for facades and interiors of public buildings in Chelyabinsk and towns of the region. Active and bright works in easel arts: painting, drawing, sculpture. In the 70-ies and 90-ies taught at the Chelyabinsk art College. Developed the author's technique of teaching of special disciplines -- drawing, painting, composition -- based on the original principle of VISUALIZATION of PLASTIC NODES (th. of the artist).

Graphic and pictorial works are in Museum collections of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Chelyabinsk region, Novosibirsk and Magnitogorsk city art galleries and in private collections in Russia and abroad: England, Germany, Israel, USA, Sweden, Yugoslavia.

Main exhibitions:

1982 - "Artists to people", the 2nd all-Union exhibition. Moscow (Russia).

1984 - Personal exhibition. Exhibition hall of Artists Union. Chelyabinsk (Russia). 186 exhibited works.

1989 - "Artists of Chelyabinsk". Moscow (Russia).

1990 - "Monumental-decorative art in urban planning". Kurgan (Russia).

1991 - International Biennale of easel graphics. Novosibirsk (Russia).

1991 - "Ural", the 7th Regional exhibition. Chelyabinsk (Russia).

2000 - Personal exhibition "Faces" of the Chelyabinsk regional picture gallery (more than 200 paintings, 40 graphic works, 30 works of sculpture).

2004 - Personal exhibition of graphics. Exhibition hall of the library. Belinsky. Ekaterinburg (Russia).

2004 - Personal exhibition of graphics. Exhibition hall of the Ural state Academy of architecture and arts. Ekaterinburg (Russia).

(R. 7.07. 1940, Chelyabinsk), muralist, painter, graphic artist, sculptor, member. Artists Union of Russia (1978). In 1972 he graduated from Leningrad. the highest of arts.-prom. in-t im. V. I. Mukhina (workshop of Professor G. A. Savinov). In the 1960s he worked as an artist for People. television participated in the creation of the document. ribbon L. L. Obolensky “Ivanko-Krylatko”, awarded State. St. Constant Exhibitor., zones., resp. and the all-Union. of arts. exhibitions since 1972. He was elected corresponding member. The expert Council of the USSR at the monument. art. Ed. origin. methods of teaching special. disciplines in the arts. education: rice., painting, composition. In 1980-90-ies teacher of the People. art school. For ed. typical search synthetic. genre in art, the tasks of the monument. plastics in chamber formats of easel painting and sculpture. Creative. the method M are distinguished by the minimalism of arts. yaz. Uses the technique of a “grotesque art”. M. close innovative aesthetic. concept G. Moore, S. Dali, Neizvestny, Mikhail Shemyakin. The plane of the wall at M creates plasticity. unity with the interior and exterior environment. According to this principle created the monument. mosaic “the Conquest of space” (glass, 1976) on the facade of the CPI, interior painting “Creators-creators” in the premises of the Institute “Chelyabinskgrazhdanproekt” (oil, 1985), the decorative monument. mosaic “Lenin and print” on the building of the Agency “Rospechat” (smal, 1982). Solid color paintings: “Russia” (1997), “Madonna” (1999); calibrated sculptural silhouette. form: “Pomona” (tone, gypsum, 1982), “Waiting” (bronze, casting, 2000), a different plasticity. clear graphics pictures: “Lady in hat” (1995), “Sitting back. Small platform” (1995). Persons. the exhibition took place in 1984 – represented 186 MFR. (Person, Exhibition hall, COSH of the Russian Federation, together. with L. N. Kostina K. V. Fokin); 2000 – painting, drawing, sculpture (COCG). The work of M. are exhibited in maps. Gal. Pers., Magnitogorsk, Novosibirsk, private collections in Russia and abroad: in Sweden, Germany, England, USA, Israel, Yugoslavia.

E. A. Shipitsyna

Lit.: Art. XX century. Chelyabinsk: The Album. Magnitogorsk, 1996; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia, 1936-1991: Right. / AVT.-comp. O. A. Kudzaev. H, 1996; Mishin V. Painting. Drawings. Sculpture: Cat. CA. / Comp. V. G. Mishin Ed.; introd. article E. A. shipitsyna. H, 2000; shipitsyna E. A. Mishin Vladimir Gerasimov // Calendar of memorable dates, 2000. Chelyabinsk oblast. H, 2000.

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