Gordeevich Gordeev

Russia • 1746−1810

He studied at the Academy of fine Arts (from 1759 to 1767 from Gillet ), improved in Paris under the leadership of Lemoine, in Rome - through the study of antiquities. Return molded the group "Prometheus", for which, in 1769, was declared appointed to the Academy and is determined to be at the Academy. In 1776, the bas-relief "the mercury gives of Bacchus to the nymphs" received the title of academician in 1777 made an adjunct Professor, in 1782, was elevated to the rank of Professor, and in 1794 he was appointed associate rector of the Academy in the category of sculpture, and, finally, from 1802 to the end of life, was the rector. From his works is known: a monument to Princess N. M. Galitzine (1780) in the old Cathedral of the don Mother of God in Moscow's Donskoy monastery, the monument to Prince D. M. Golitsyn (Golitsin hospital in Moscow), "Prometheus" (1769, Museum of Alexander III ) and the bas-reliefs on the facade of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg: "the Annunciation", "the Flight into Egypt," "Holy virgin" and "Christmas".

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