Nikitovich Novikov

Russia • né en 1956

Biographie et informations

Born in 1956 in Kemerovo.

In 1976 he graduated from the Kemerovo art College. Participant of city, regional and foreign exhibitions. Participant of the exhibitions of the group of "Poor Liza". Works are in collections in Russia and abroad. Member of the Union of artists since 1995.

Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1995. Painter

Born in 1956 in Kemerovo. He studied at the Kemerovo art school (1972-1976) A. S. Rabotnov, A. F. Caporuscio, V. A. Burmakin. Lived and worked in Moscow (1978-1980; 1987-1994). Collaborated with the Moscow gallery "ISNA" (1991-1993). Participant of exhibitions since 1992. Back in Kemerovo joined the creative group of "Poor Liza".

  • Associations artistiques
  • Études
  • Professeurs