Nikolaevich Korobeinikov

Russia • né en 1956

Biographie et informations

Born Vasily Nikolaevich in the town of Taiga on March 1, 1956. In 1973 he entered the Kemerovo art College. In the process of learning creatively active. From 1974 to 1976 education was interrupted by service in the Armed Forces. In 1976 he continued his studies, and in 1978 in the walls of the school held a personal exhibition. In the same year became a participant of the youth exhibition in the city of Novosibirsk, whose paintings were sent to the all-Union exhibition in Moscow. One of the paintings of this exhibition, namely "Student's still life" was exhibited at the International exhibition in Japan. In 1979 graduated from KCU in special subjects and direction to the University and enrolled in the far Eastern pedagogical Institute of arts. He studied with Professor Kirill I. Shebeko. In 1987 graduated from the institution. Thesis "Sunday afternoon" was exhibited at the 1988 all-Union exhibition of diploma works of the universities of the country in Kiev. After graduation, he worked in the field of monumental art. The painting was placed in the club head post office in Vladivostok, in the culture of Yaroslav the Primorsky territory, the Museum and medical school in Anzhero-Sudzhensk. Were also made of paintings in the Taiga G. and G. Urga railway stations. In the city of Tomsk in the restaurant "Beijing" is a painting of the plafond. In 1998 he was a member of the Regional exhibition in Krasnoyarsk. In the same year began teaching in the town of Taiga in the school of arts. In 2000, the House of Artists of the city of Kemerovo made a solo exhibition. In 2001 he was admitted to the Union of artists of Russia. In 2002, a professional exhibition at the Museum of fine arts in the city of Tomsk. In 2003 participated in exhibition in Krasnoyarsk "Artists of Siberia". In 2003 he participated in the Regional exhibition in Irkutsk, in Tomsk. In 2004 was the participant of Republican exhibition, Moscow. Works were exhibited at the regional, city, regional, Republican, all-Union and International exhibitions. Works are in regional museums of the cities of Kemerovo, Tomsk and Vladivostok and in many institutions, organizations, and the personal collections of citizens. There were awards of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation and administrations of the cities of the Taiga, Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo, the diploma of the Governor of Kemerovo Aman Tuleyev. In 2006, the exhibition-contest “the Best work of the year” for the work “Symphony in white canvas” was awarded a diploma of III degree. Since 2005 he teaches at the Kemerovo art College and from 2006 - to Whom the GOOKS.

  • Études
  • Professeurs