Mikhailovich Vlasenko

Russia • né en 1954

Painter. B. On 14 September 1954 at the farm “Steppe” Kazakhstan oblast, Kazakhstan. Graduated from hhpi (1974-79), where he studied with A. of Constantinople, V. Goncharova, N. Vergun. HO a member of CFS since 1989. The participant of Republican, all-Ukrainian, all-Union, international and foreign exhibitions since 1982. Personal exhibitions: Kharkiv — 1992; Limassol (Cyprus) — 1996. Working in a creative workshop.

Born in 1954 in Kazakhstan.

Education: 1974 – 1979 Kharkov art-industrial Institute.

Member of the National Union of artists of Ukraine since 1989

Since 1982, the participant of Republican, national and international exhibitions.

Personal exhibitions:

1992 - Kharkiv.

1996 - Limassol (Cyprus).

Main exhibitions:

1986 - "Art of Ukraine". The house of friendship of peoples (Sofia, Bulgaria).

1987 - exhibition of paintings of Ukrainian artists (Poznan, Poland).

1988 - exhibition "Young artists of the USSR" (Manege, Moscow).

1991 - "Youth of Ukraine" (Kiev).

1993 - festival "Kharkiv assemblies".

1996 - "Chronicle of Art. Kharkov. 80-90 years." Central house of artists (Kiev).

1997 - "Chronicle of Art. Kharkov. 80-90 years." Kharkiv city art gallery.

1999 - project "the Game", IV international Art Festival (Kiev).

1999 - "Pink Bridge Art Gallery" (Philadelphia, USA).

1999-2000 "Art-Expo"(new York, USA).

1998 – 2003 group exhibitions and projects Municipal gallery.

Works are in museums and private collections of Ukraine, in private collections of Germany, Italy, Spain, USA, Israel, Cyprus, Yugoslavia.

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