Andreevna Fisan

Ukraine • née en 1923

B. 15 APR 1923 in the town of Simferopol, the Crimean region the participant of the great Patriotic war. Graduated from KhSAI (1944-49), where he studied with D. Ovcharenko, D. Shavykin. HO member of the CFS since 1960. Participant of exhibitions since 1949. Personal exhibitions: Kharkiv — 1983,1993; the village of Parkhomivka (Kharkiv region) - 1997. Worked at Kharkiv regional drama theatre chief artist (1953-60). Scored about 50 performances. Deputy Director on scientific work (1949-53; W 1960 R.) in the Kharkiv public Museum. As an art historian engaged in research of creativity of Ukrainian artists of the pre-revolutionary and the modern era. The author guides, directories, booklets, scientific articles. Among them: the album “Dmytro Ovcharenko” (K., 1972), catalogs and booklets of exhibitions Mironenko (X., 1977), P. Martynovich (X., 1981), V. Petrov (X.,1982), M. Rabotyagova (X., 1986), G. Narbut (X., 1990).

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