Victorovich Kotsarev

Russia • né en 1955

Biographie et informations

Born on 11 March 1955 in the village of Tetkino in Kursk region (Russia).

Graduated from Kharkov state art College (1976-1980), where he studied with honoured artist of the USSR P. A. Shigimaga, Kiyansky, Y. I., V. I. Vysikailo.

Participant of the creative Association "bouts-Rimes" in 2002.

More than 20 years working as head of sector of advertising in the Kharkiv art Museum, where it proved to be an excellent display and advertising artist, as well as in the creative workshop.

Winner of the first prize for the sketch of the emblem of the publishing house "Smoloskyp" in 2003.

Participant of numerous personal, regional and all-Ukrainian exhibitions.

The works of Alexander Kotsareva are in museums of Russia and private collections in Germany, France, England, USA, Israel, Poland, Czech Republic and other countries of the world.