Andreevich Shcherbakov

Russia • né en 1935

Was born on 5 August 1935 in the town of Kolomna in Moscow region.

Graduated from Moscow academic art school of memory of 1905, he studied at GITIS in the advanced directing courses under the guidance of people's artist of the USSR S. A. Obraztsov.

Laureate of the Russian Ministry of culture, 1986. Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1978.

Theatre artist, Director of theatre of dolls. A participant of regional, regional, Republican, all-Union and international exhibitions since 1969.

Main exhibitions:

All-Union exhibition of works of artists of the puppet theater of the USSR devoted to the XXII international Congress UNINA (international Union of figures of theatre of dolls) 1976, Moscow,

"Puppets of the USSR" 1978, Czechoslovakia, Prague, Lyubertsy,

International poster exhibition. BEAV-78. Poland. Warsaw,

All-Union exhibition of artists of theatre of dolls of the USSR, devoted to the 60 anniversary of the USSR 1982, Moscow-Yerevan-Talin.

Major works:

Opera for children N. Brown "Lived-were the grandfather and the woman". Altay regional theatre of dolls 1979,

E. Radzinsky, "She's in lack of love and death," the State order of Friendship of peoples Russian drama theatre. N. To. Krupskaya. 1981 Frunze

R. Mingalimov "Satan - leather ear" Ryazan puppet theater, Ryazan 1982,

G. Stefanov "Forest watch". Kherson regional puppet theatre. 1984, Odessa,

G. Andersen "Thumbelina" 2000, puppet Theatre "Lukomorye", Biysk.

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