Georgievich Ivaschenko

Russia • né en 1981

(1981, Krasnodar)

Awarded the Gold medal of the Russian Academy of Arts.

He graduated from the Krasnodar Art College.

In 2001-2007 studied at the Moscow State Art

Institute. V. I. Surikov, Department of monumental painting of Professor E. N. Maximov.

In 2005-2006 participated in painting the Church in honor of Sophia the wisdom of God at the Lubyanka under the leadership of S. A. Gavrilyachenko and S. A. Sirenko, for which he was awarded the medal of the Russian Orthodox Church of Reverend Sergiy Radonejskiy of the II degree.

Since 2003 participates in Moscow and Republican exhibitions. In 2007. successful participation in all-Russian exhibition "Young Artists of Russia" was awarded the diploma of the Union of Artists of Russia.

Born in 1981 in Krasnodar.

He graduated from the Krasnodar Art College.

From 2001-2007. he studied at the Moscow Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov, Department of monumental painting. Teachers - E. N. Troshev, E. N. Maksimov, S. A., Gavrilchenko, I. L. Lubennikov

2007 - for academic achievements awarded the gold medal of the Academy of arts.

2005-2006 - participated in painting the Church in honor of Holy Wisdom, the Lubyanka, under the leadership of S. A. Gavrilyachenko and S. A. Sirenko, for which he was awarded the medal of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 2nd class.

Since 2003 involved in youth exhibitions.

2007 - successful participation in all-Russian exhibition "Young Artists of Russia" was awarded the diploma of the Union of artists. (CHA).

In 2007 was awarded a diploma for participation in the international exhibition of Orthodox art "light of the World" (arena).

In 2007 participates in the exhibition "ACADEMIC SCHOOL" (New Manege) (awarded a diploma and gold medal)

Since 2007, member of Moscow Union of artists.

He currently lives and works in Moscow.

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