Bakashevich Bakashev

Russia • 1941−1988

Muralist, painter.

Born November 29, 1941 in the village of AK-Terek ton district, Issyk-Kul oblast. He graduated from the Frunze art school (1957-1960), the Leningrad higher art-industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina (1960-1966), Studio of A. K. Kazantsev. Participant of exhibitions since 1960. A member of the artists Union since 1967.

Died 8 December 1988.

One of the first national muralists, Bakishev participated in the monumental-decorative design of buildings and squares of the city (airport "Manas" Kyrgyz circus – interiors, walls and surrounding area of the Republican national library). Worked in ceramics, as a monumental and easel.

In easel painting worked in oil and tempera. Have achieved great success in large, monumental in style, narrative works – "the News", "the Singing mountain", "morning of the holiday". The artist wrote and portraits, landscapes, genre scenes ("Portrait in white", "Poems", "source", "Autumn steppe, the Kyzyl trouble (Clover field)").

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