Fedorovich Vovk

Russia • né en 1929

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Born 12.06.1929 year in the village Podgaiko Millerovskiy district of Rostov region in a large peasant family, Ukrainian. Ability was noted from childhood loved to draw landscapes, portraits of parents, brothers and sisters. The family kept them and was proud of his son. Following its desires and aspirations entered and graduated from in 1957 Voroshilovgrad art College. Given the lack of higher education, he had some time to work as a modeller, at the same time engaging creativity by participating in exhibitions. The man is definitely talented, innovative and hardworking, achieved recognition, with the result that his work was purchased by several state museums, Ministry of culture of the USSR artistic Fund. Continued its work in Lugansk art production plant and in her Studio, creating portraits of his contemporaries and creative work. Very kind to his Ukrainian roots, which was reflected in his work. His works : "Soldier's thoughts", "Portrait of Y. B. Gamarnik", " Portrait of Professor Sinilo M. I.," terrain"Abundance". Complete information about the jobs lost. Died Fyodor in 1990.

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