Vladimirovna Denisenko

Ukraine • née en 1923

Born in 1923 in Kiev. In 1950 he graduated from the Moscow higher art-industrial school (b. Stroganov). Studied with G. Motovilova, L. Polyakova.

During the great Patriotic war he served as a signaller 65th guards tank army. Sergeant.Awarded the order of Patriotic war II degree, medals "For military merit", "For victory over Germany in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945" and others.

Since 1955 participates in exhibitions.

In 1957 admitted as a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Awarded diplomas MOSH RSFSR, IHO HF RSFSR

Major works: "Children and doves"(1970), the fountain "Children"(1975), "Running" (1977), "Young players"(1979), "Children and birds", "Girl sukumi"(1983).

His works the sculptor has devoted to the subject of children.

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