Georgievna Povolotskaya

Russia • née en 1932

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

He graduated from the Leningrad College of industrial arts. Mukhina in 1957. Member of the Union of Artists since 1961. From 1957 to 1992 he worked at the factory "Russian gems" as the main artist, then artistic Director of the group of artists of Viewwelcome. Was a participant, a winner and prizewinner of more than 270 art exhibitions: all-Union, regional, international. Her works are in museums in Russia (Russian Museum, state historical Museum, the Armoury chamber museums of Kaliningrad and Yekaterinburg), in private collections. Since 1997 works in the firm "Rossilver" where her designs are made original things in the technique of electroforming.

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