Ivanovich Pustovojtov

Russia • 1921−1995

Biographie et informations

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

( May 9, 1921, Odessa - December 15, 1995, Nizhny Novgorod ) - an artist, an outstanding master of watercolors, famous songs of the ancient churches of Novgorod.

He was born in Odessa and brought up in an orphanage. In 1939, Semyon Ivanovich entered Odessa art secondary school, but then was drafted into the army, the military oath was taken on 21 September 1940 at the 151st aviation battalion, and in 1941 the war began. Semyon Ivanovich fought in the infantry division, was first a private, then - commander of the infantry branch. During the war, Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitova appeared in the Novgorod land. This was the first meeting with the ancient Novgorod. The monuments of this city has made S. I. Pustovoitova so impressed that after graduation he decided to come back.

At the front were seriously injured. After his recovery he continued his studies in the Odessa average hudojestvennom school in the picturesque and pedagogical Department, from which he graduated in July 1951 with the qualification of artist-performer. Thesis S. I. Pustovoitova was painting "Mikula Selyaninovich and Volga", which currently is in the Odessa archaeological Museum.

At the end of 1951 Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitova with his wife, Galina Yakovlevna, moved to Novgorod for permanent residence. It was here that he emerged as an outstanding master of watercolor. First job in Novgorod was a Museum-reserve, then S. I. Pustovoitov went to work in the Novgorod art and production workshops. Also the artist has cooperated with the Novgorod regional House of folk arts. He traveled to remote areas of the Novgorod region, identifying authentic talented artists.

In 1964, Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitova was admitted to the Union of artists of the USSR. In 1967, the artist participated in the restoration of the assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, for which he was awarded a commemorative medal. Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitova is one of the first participants in art exhibitions in the regional centre in the Northern region, member of the First all-Union exhibition of watercolors in 1965 and many subsequent all - Union, Republican, regional, international. His first solo exhibition "Ancient Novgorod" was held in 1967 in the city of Odessa, and the first solo exhibition in Novgorod took place in 1968.

During the life of Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitova has become a true classic. His works are stored not only in the Novgorod state Museum-reserve, but Odessa museums, in St. Petersburg, in private collections in our country and abroad. In 1971, S. I. Pustovoitov becomes a member of the Artistic Fund of the USSR. As an artist, it is famous for the famous watercolors, which he began writing in the 1970-ies, when the main theme of his work was ancient Novgorod, monuments of architecture. Semyon Ivanovich said that the ancient architecture, which he writes, that is, his nature itself is a work of art. Creative freedom, skill, directness allowed him artistic, easy, big juicy picturesque plans to build their songs, the protagonists of which - the ancient temples. Only one series, the Velikiy Novgorod, created in 1970-1980-ies, consists of more than 500 sheets of watercolors, most of which is stored in the Novgorod Museum. Collectors hunt for watercolors in this series, because they are not only artistic, but historical value that is connected with the fact that part of the depicted churches were destroyed.

Having lived most of his life in Novgorod, C. I. Pustovoitov never lost connection with Odessa - the city of his childhood and adolescence. He also gave part of their work to the Odessa friends. A large collection of landscapes the artist has a Museum of private collections them. A. V. bleshunov, because in life, S. I. and A. V. Pustovoitova bleshunov had a close friendship. The resolution of the Novgorod city Council of January 18, 1994 No. 9 Pustovoytovo Semyon Ivanovich was awarded the title "Honorary citizen of Novgorod". So, the famous Odessa became a citizen of Novgorod.

Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitova died 15 December 1995.

A series of watercolors of "Velikiy Novgorod", created in the late 1960-ies – 1980-ies, is a unique phenomenon. It consists of more than 500 sheets. The best of them – "Saint Sophia Cathedral", "John the Theologian on the circuit", "Fedor Stratilat on the Brook" cycles "kovaleve" and "Vaidi" - embody this energy of feelings, thoughts, fantasies, which makes immediately take favorite idea of the author: the monument is the fate of the nation, its living history and its future. Romantic elation, tragic mood – that is characteristic of the Mature style S. I. Pustovoitova. Brush S. I. Pustovoitova helped to discover the true meaning and significance of medieval Novgorod architecture to hundreds and thousands of audience, and creativity of the master is a precious part of the cultural heritage of Novgorod in the XX century.

  • Études