Iosifovich Sparrow

Russia • 1924−2000

Biographie et informations

Thesis in the CVC - making and illustration to the poem of M. Gorkogo "the Girl and death", the mark is satisfactory. The training took place in the graphical Department. Qualified graphic artist.

(02.07.1924, Leningrad — 16.03.2000, city of Monchegorsk), the employee culture. Finally finished. Leningr. art.-PED. Uch-school (1951), f-t graphs Leningrad. Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture (1958).

From 1940 — working. military. plant (Leningrad, Novosibirsk); 1958 Rev. khudozh. Uch-conductive, 1960 — PED. University, Krasnodar; 1973 — dir., from 1978 — prep. det. khudozh. SHK. (1992 — SHK. arts) Monchegorsk. 1984-1996 — hand. mountains. photo Studio "Imandra". Org-R and Uch-region and zonal exhibitions "Sov. C", 6 solo exhibitions. Awarded. med. "For valiant labor in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945", honor. certificates Min of culture of the USSR and the RSFSR. Honored. slave to the culture of the Russian Federation (1995). The name Vladimir has children. SHK. arts Monchegorsk, there is the Museum B. (2000).

Lit.: Who's who in the culture of the Murmansk region. — Murmansk, 2001.

(Source: Kola encyclopedia)

  • Études
  • Professeurs