Rafailovich Rubanenko

Russia • 1910−1985

Training in WAH was held at the faculty of architecture.

Nar. architect Of the USSR (1980), full member AH the USSR (1979). Member of the CPSU(b) 1939. Graduated From The Leningrad. in-t CET. ing. (1931) and arts in Leningrad (1934), disciple of V. G. Gelfreich, V. A. Shchuko. In 1939-41 he taught at LISI, 1954 - at the Moscow architectural Institute, Professor since 1970. In 1943-49 Deputy. PREV. Of the Committee for architectural Affairs under the Council of people's Commissars (Council of Ministers) of the USSR. In 1963-85 Director of the Center. I.-I. and design Institute experimental. design home in Moscow. Work in the field of planning and development of urban areas, mass housing str-VA (et) – projects planning and building of the station square in Minsk (1947), Troparevo in Moscow (1961-64), the new part of the city of Togliatti (1967-72), Naberezhnye Chelny (1969), etc.

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