Alexandrovich Simonov

Russia • 1893−1974

Biographie et informations

State. figure, academician of the Acad. architecture of the USSR (1941-55). Member of the CPSU(b) since 1947. Graduated from. In-t CET. engineers (1920) of the Petrograd Soviet. AH (1922). From 1922 on project work, 1934 hands. architect workshop No. 5 in Leningrad. In 1931-41 taught at the school. the Institute ing. utility str-VA, Professor. With 1942. hands. The Ural group Acad. architecture of the USSR in Sverdlovsk. From 1943 Deputy. PREV., in 1947-49 before. Of the Committee for architectural Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. From 1949 Deputy Minister of the mountains. p-VA the USSR. In 1951-55 by PTV. posts in the USSR state construction. From 1955 he taught at the Moscow architectural Institute, head. DEP. One of the authors of the project of building Tractor building (1925-27), the building of the Vyborg house of culture (1927), the house-commune and the number of houses (1927-41) in Leningrad, the government House in Alma-ATA (1938) and other buildings. Since 1972 retired.

  • Études