Sergeyevich Evstigneev

Russia • né en 1930

(18.02.1930, Leningrad). Artist scenic painting, painter.

Since 1941, lives and works in the city of Kudymkar. He studied at the art Studio A. A., Gorkunova in the County historian. Museum. Started its activity in the Permian Komi district drama theater. Gorky, where for many years he worked as a prop maker, then as an art Director (1959-1965), depth artist (1965-1994). The peculiarity of the regional theatre repertoire, the nature of the staging was laid in the days of P. I. Subbotin-Permyak. Some time in the district drama theatre staged performances of P. I. Subbotin, daughter of Peter Ivanovich....

In 1975 Evstigneev was awarded the title "Honored. the artist of RSFSR", and in 1983 he was awarded the State prize. K. S. Stanislavsky for the preparation of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden"....

Lit.: Zhdanov D. A. the Artists of Parma // Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug on the turn of the century. Kudymkar, 2000. S. 222-227;

Parma artists: painting, graphics, sculpture, ceramics: [album cut] / [comp. N. Yulia Novikova ed.; introd. article A. D. Zhdanov]. Kudymkar: [b. I.]; Perm: Star, 2004. 120 [2] p.: Col. Il.;

Zhdanov, A. Contemporary artists of Parma: the booklet of the exhibition. Perm, 2004.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", A. D. Zhdanov)

(18.02.1930, Leningrad). A theater artist. Honored. artist of the RSFSR (1975), laureate of the State prize them. K. S. Stanislavsky (1983) for the scenography of the play "the snow maiden" on the play by A. N. Ostrovsky. A member of the Union of theatrical figures of Russia (1966). He graduated from the art Studio of the fine arts, Permian Komi district local history Museum. P. I. Subbotin-Permyak (Department of painting). In the 1960s and 1970s repeatedly trained at the Nar. artist of the USSR V. F. Ryndin in Moscow. Since 1957 worked in the Permian Komi district of the order "the Honour Sign" drama theatre. Bitter – prop maker, artist, student, artist, decorator, designer. From 1965 to 1997 – chief artist of the same theatre. D. S. Evstigneev has a bright talent, extensive experience in the field of decorative arts and organizational skills. His set design for different ability to penetrate the film and create a vivid, memorable form. They have about 200 plays by Soviet, Russian, foreign and Komi-Permyak drama. Among them: "Romeo and Juliet" by W. Shakespeare, "guilty Without guilt" and "the snow maiden" by A. Ostrovsky, "Youth of the fathers" by B. Gorbatov, "the Fact that you serve" by Yuri Herman, "the dawns here are quiet" Boris Vasilyev, "Egor Bulychev and other" Gorky, "virgin soil upturned" by M. Sholokhov, "Retro" by A. Galin, etc. productions. The artist has participated in several exhibitions Komi-district, region and Russia. D. S. Evstigneev was the organizer carried out on the basis of theater workshops for theater artists; the theatre took an active part in the public life of the theatre, the city of Kudymkar, Komi-district. The artist's works are in the collection kudymkarskiy local historian. Museum.

Lit.: Klimanskaya, O. G. Dmitry Evstigneev // the artists of the theater in Perm. Theatrical-decorative art: cat. exhibition. M., 1990. Page 4, 21.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", O. G. Klimanskaya)

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