
France • XIX siècle−1857

Is Jean-Jacques Marie Deveria (FR. Achille Jacques-Jean-Marie Devéria; 6 Feb 1800, Paris — 23 December 1857) was a French painter, watercolourist and lithographer. Brother Of Eugene, Deveria.

The Pupil Of Girodet-Trioson. In 1822, he began exhibiting at the Paris Salon.

By 1830, became a successful book Illustrator (known for his illustrations of "Faust" by Johann Goethe, "don Quixote" of Cervantes, the fairy tales of Charles Perrault), at the same time acquiring fame erotic thumbnail. In the works of Deveria was dominated by light, sentimental or frivolous stories.

Deveria, was also a prominent portraitist. They, in particular, was a picture of Alexander Dumas, prosper mérimée, sir Walter Scott, Alfred de Musset, Balzac, Victor Hugo, Marie Dorval, Alphonse de Lamartine, Alfred de Vigny, and others. Charles Baudelaire was talking about the portraits of Deveria that they reflect "all the morals and aesthetics of the era."

In 1849, Deveria was appointed head of the printmaking Department of the National library and the assistant Keeper of the Egyptian Department of the Louvre.

In the last years of his life, Deveria taught drawing and lithography to his son will Teodulo, and together they worked on the album portraits.

The work of Deveria exhibited in the Louvre, the Art Museum of San Francisco, J. Paul Getty Museum, the Norton Simon Museum, collection of the University of liège.

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