Alekseevich Sokolov

Russia • 1717−1757

Biographie et informations

"The ceremony of the coronation, sent to the Cathedral tserkvi uspeniya Presvyatoy Bogoroditsy, grid. Grigorii Katchalov". 29. No. 30. "View in prospect of the Cathedral of the assumption tserkvi and in front thereof, the area and protchaya structure; Grid. Ivan Sokolov". 30. No. 31. "Interior view of the Avenue of the Palace of facets" id — id. 31. No. 31. "The plan of the faceted chamber and the inside tables and Sanam thereof". 32. No. 31. "The plan is Top Sanam that when the Palace of facets". 33. No. 31. "Plan of the dining chamber". 34. No. 32. "The existing canopy in the audience chamber above the throne; Cut Ivan Sokolov". 35. No. 33. "The chair standing on the throne in the Palace of facets; Cut out"... id — id. 36. No. 34. "Coronation Medals and tokens. Grid. Ivan Sokolov. No. 35. The crown is smaller grid. Grigorej Kachalov" (two boards). 37. No. 36. "The Imperial robes woven from gold in the likeness of a grid. Cut Ivan Sokolov". 38. No. 37. "Fountain, which allowed red wine (and a locker). Cut Ivan Sokolov". 39. No. 37. "The fountain from which indulged white wine (and rund.). Cut Ivan Sokolov". 40. No. 38. "Procession ceremony of Her I. V. to the Palace of facets to audiencee. Grid. Grigorej Katchalov". 41. No. 39. "The ceremony of the procession of her Majesty of the Kremlin in Unigovskiy winter house, grid." id — in 14 series, three sheets. 42. No. 40. "The facade of the court halls in the winter HIH house on the Yauza. Grid. Ivan Sokolov". 43. No. 40. Her plan is. 44. No. 41. "The Order Of St. Apostle Andrew with the Star: Cut Ivan Sokolov". 45. No. 42. "The Order Of St. Alexander star"; the same signature. 46. No. 43. "The Order Of St. Catherine with the star"; same. 47. No. 44. "The plan of the faceted chamber in one of the tables on which was placed the Imperial regalia". 48. No. 45. "Feierwerk and illuminate former winter when Her Imperial Majesty the house"; grav. black style. 49. No. 46. "Illumination in funny ex HIH Palace: Grigorova Grigorej Katchalov". 50. No. 47. "Illumination of the Kremlin in the former HIH house with a Golden lattice: Grigorova Grigorej Katchalov". 51. No. 48. "Illumination in the sight of the Golden bars; Grigorova Grigorej Katchalov". 52. No. 49. Same (15 divisions in each). A total of 3 vignette, 1 portrait, and 10 of the drawings. This description of the coronation is the main masterpiece of Russian engraving in Elizabeth. Especially good are the ceremonial processions of the work of Sokolov and Kachalov. Sokolov beautifully engraved order of the thrones. All drawings made by draftsman Gremmelin. Good specimens of this description are quite rare; the best with German text, sent as a gift, bound in the skin; on the front Board of the binding is embossed in gold with the monogram of Elizabeth I, a rear emblem. 60. Board with 18 engraved pages; the last of them the inscription: "court | calendar | 1735 | St. Petersburg | the Academy | Ivan Sokolov stihova". 2.11 x 1.9. On the first page represented the temple of Janus; in front of him imp. Anna Ivanovna (in growth ? right); lower her monogram in military fittings. 3? x 1.11. The whole Board = 10.6 x 13.8. D. F. Kobeko. 61. "The geographical description in the Bible of the Holy Scriptures, Palestine or the Jews... in the Geographical depart. at Acad. Sciences location Witnessed... and the decree of Her Imperial Majesty of the Holy Synod Pravitelstvujushchy Isprobavano 1759 Sep 15 Day. Grave. I. Sokolov". In a large sheet*. 62. Vignette in the book: "a collection of Military of the Ottoman Empire... count... Marsili SPb. 1737"; the 2nd part. In the beginning of the 2nd part of the vignette depicting a table, a on the armor, banners and weapons; below signature: "Stihova Ivan Sokolov". Applied to the description of the 40 engravings depicting weapons and home life of the Turks; they are all engraved in the manner of Wortmann and Sokolov, cutter. 63. Swedish great seal in the Manifesto on the world with Sweden. Under the supervision Sokolov made: 1) the Picture to the Description Telemaque adventures, St. Petersburg, 1747, 4°, with 10 pictures and a map of the work makhaeva (see Yakov Vasiliev). 2) Published in 1753 views of Moscow, in small format engraved by Balabanis Vnukova, Sablin, Strigosum and Chesnakovym. — Cm. Makhaev. 3) In 1753 the kinds of Stone island 6 avenues (on 6 sheets). 4) instructions about the Survey (without the year): "Grid. in SPb. at Acad. Of Sciences under the supervision of the artist. the wizard IV. Sokolova 1755". Front sheet with the caption: "Shape | Boundary Maps | which expresses as between|do adjacent landowners | approximate land sharing and | pratham 1755". 5) In 1757 and 12 species of St. Petersburg (16 sheets, brochures, hand-drawn by Makhaevism); they are engraved Sokolov, Isakovym, Vinogradov, by Kachalov, Vasiliev, Grekov and Vnukova. {Rovinsky}Engraver on copper by I. A. N.; one of the best Russian engravers; b. in 1717, the mind. 1757 (Smith). He studied painting at the architect Schumacher, a engraving y Elliger and Wortmann. The school Vortmann he soon surpassed all his fellow servants: Mattarnovi, Kachalova and Grekova and even his teacher, so in 1745, when Wortmann, his illness and weakness, was given the resignation, the falcons made a master of grigorevne portraits (in grigoropoulou Department, which was considered to 1731) with a salary of 400 rubles a year (instead of 500 p., which were required). The falcons etched many excellent portraits, of which the most remarkable is the portrait of Peter the GII. He worked a lot of boards for the coronation of Elizabeth Petrovna; a huge procession of small figures, executed Sokolov for this edition, is excellent. The falcons formed a lot of good engravers, engraving classes at the Academy were not so numerous as in it. 1-y it were, of painting in 1754, Andrei Grekov, Ivan Elyakov, Efim Vinogradov, Ekim Grandchildren and Yakov Vasilyev — all five students dismissed Wortmann; in the 2nd — Nikita Plotzes, Ilya Rubomycin and Philip Grandchildren; 3-m — I. Kudryavtsev, P. Balabin, S. Fokin, I. Zolotov, M. Okhlopkov, I. Chelnokov, P. Artemyev, Dmitry Gerasimov, and N. Sablin. G. Kachalov was at that time second master, to grigorevne prospectuses and other stuff and portraits [In the same painting (1754) of the Sokolov said: "with regard to grigorevne, takozhde and grigoropoulou and figured the House sends all posts to the General" (paper Staehelin).]. For aamani his Academy decided to write the first portrait engraver of the time of George Frederick Schmidt. — Student work Sokolov collected in a special notebook located in the Academy of Sciences, together with the works of Berna, Mattarnovi and Kachalov. Start with the list of his works: a notebook in sheet with prints of different boards; the names of the engravers, signed by the pen: 1. Battle; in front of the left two warriors on horseback, behind the Church, "student Ivan Sokolov" 2.1? x 4.1. — 2. Vignette — eagle, at the bottom landkarty: "Sokolova"; 2.1 x 3. — 3. "Bardahan of Kamiki written in the 33 year of birth. D. C. Elliger direxit. — radilov. and stihova Eve. Sokolov 1732 AMC Jun"; 5 x 3. — 4. Two apostles to the growth. Upper left: "No. 3"; lower right: "R. (Presler?) Sokolova"; 5.7? x 3.6. — 4A. A squire with a spear and kitchenware, and figure (Preisler) in a round hat with a feather in growth; 6.— 6.10? x 7. 5. Flora (Preisler); 5.10 x 3.8. — 6. Girl sitting y table with books (reading); on the right wall clock, bottom left skull; 7.1 x 5.8. 7. Corona (for the coronation of Elizabeth Petrovna), without the signature of Sokolov. — 8. Andrew chain. 9. The chair: number 20. — 20. Medal with image of Anna Ioannovna: "cut Ivan Sokolov". — 11. Swedish coat of arms: "cut Ivan Sokolov. at the Academy of Sciences". — 12. The same: "grid. Ivan Sokolov". 13. Fireworks for the birth of Peter I in St. Petersburg. 10 Feb 1745: "grid. Ivan Sokolov". 14. Vignette — Mace, shield, handcuffs, etc.: "stihova Ivan Sokolov". — 15. The same: "Iuvante numine", with a view of St. Petersburg: "cut Ivan Sokolov". — 16. The coat of arms with sphinxes on each side: "dat et Aufert; cut Ivan Sokolov". This vignette made for speech, Juncker said in the Academy of Sciences on 29 April 1742 in the coronation day; with German text; 2-e prints made in the Russian text her: "Crowned hope of the Russian Empire during the high feast of the... the coronation of Elizabeth Petrovna. SPb. 1742". 17. The old man seduces a young woman: "drew Ivan Alekseev son Black. Stihova Ivan Alekseev the son of Sokolov"; 2.2 x 3.2. 18. Vignette — barrel, gun, grenade below an eagle two: "Sokolova". 2.3 x 3.5. 19. Portrait of the Swedish Queen Christina, in the chest, 3/4 VL.; around Laurel wreath, at the bottom of the pedestal; unsigned Sokolova; 5.4? x 3.6. 19a. The medallion with the Swedish coat of arms, with the caption: "Grid. Ivan Sokolov"; dia. = 6.3. In book VI of the footprint of the boards of the Academy of Sciences, L. 96. 19b. Capital letter P, engraved on a copper plate; there you can see Turks, bent to the gun. Signed: "I. Sokolov"; 1 5 x 1.6?. Ibid., V, L. 86. 19th century. Saver — in the middle a medallion with the image of a crown on a pedestal; the sides of various ornaments and garlands and acanthus leaves two more crowns. Up tape with the words: "Plures nunquam vincit virtutes". Below the signature: "Cut Ivan Sokolov"; 2.8 x 5.1 (the whole Board). Ibid, book V, l. 93. Ivan Sokolov," 1740; 7.2 x 5.5?. Board member of the Academy. Sciences. 21. Portrait Biron with a rod in hand. On the table is a Ducal crown. The only copy of the 1st print of this engraving is in Public. the library, from the collection Staehelin (Pogodin). Mantle, hand and the background on the left are not finished. It down hand Staehelin marked, that this portrait is very similar, started Eve. Sokolov. 19g. "Josef fröhlich Court buffoon | Ioseph Frolich Hoff Taschen spieler". He is represented in the increase; around him frame made from knots of wood, on which sit three owls; on either side a pig and a monkey. Engraved very good strong vodka and the dotted line (face) in the manner of Sokolov. 5 x 5.7. In book VI text stamp., L. 107. Other works of his are known: 20. Portrait of Anna Ioannovna: "cut lovim in 1740, and in 1741, with reference to Biron, left deconcini, because a very rare! "Caravacque pinxit". This is one of the best sheets Sokolova; 10.10 x 8.8. In 1892 he found a copy of the 2nd print of this portrait, completed Board (G. Shchukin in Moscow), with the following caption: "Sculp. I. Socolow. Petropoli. | Ernestus Iohannes. Dei Gratia | Livoniae Curlandiae — Semigaliae et Dux". And emblem. The picture was finished, in all probability, another engraver in a time when Biron returned from exile and when Sokolov was no longer alive. 22. Another portrait Biron, oval, half-length, 3/4 right: "D. G. Ernestus Iohannes in Livon. Curl. et Semigal. Dux. | cut Ivan Sokolov"; 9 x 6.2*. 22a. B. kN. Yekaterina Alexeevna (Catherine II), from the original Grotto, which is then used to etch Stanglin. Board neokonchennaya and left without any signature; the only known print of it is in the library of the Moscow University. 23. Elizabeth Petrovna, the Empress; lower., 3/4 VL.: "Peint par L. Caravacque peintre de S. M. I. de toutes les Russies | grid. Ivan Sokolov at the Academy. Sciences. in S. P. Burg 1746". — 15.5 x 10.7. Board member of the Academy. of arts. This portrait is done on the highest command. Cm. about: R. N. K. IV. 452-457. 23a. Peter the great, with orig. Caravaca 1723; 1st prints signed "Lud. Caravaca Drew Ivan Sokolov stihova"; 12 x 9.4. In 2 text stamp. the names of these were removed and the signature changed. 24. Peter III, Grand Duke of; lower., 3/4 right, in armor: "S. Imp. Maj. pictor. G. C. Grooth. pinxit. have Grigorova master Ivan Sokolov at the Academy. Of science and art. in S. P. Burg 1748". 15.6 x 10.5?. Fine engraved portrait, 1-x prints the background at the top between the oval and frame toseven one line. Board member of the Academy. of arts. 25. Vignette with portrait of Elizabeth Petrovna, to the Manifesto about changing coins. 26. Fireworks 10 Feb 1747, at the birth of Peter III: "Grigorova Ivan Sokolov" (see No. 13). 27. Fireworks Feb 9. 1755, y I. I. Shuvalov in honor of Elizabeth Petrovna: "grave par Socolow", c pattern, Peresinotti. 28. One sheet for the description of the Academy of Sciences in 1738, in the edition panel; table 4-I. — Cm. Wortmann. 29-32. Four sheets for the same descriptions for publications in quarto; table: 4, 8, 9 and 10. — Cm. Wortmann. 33-59. Two vignettes and 25 separate boards for the description of the coronation of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. Here is placed a full description of this impressive publication: 1. In the beginning of the book a portrait of Elizabeth: "and Elisavet I, Empress and autocrat of all Russias" (RAB. IV. Stanglin). In purple and crown with the regalia. 2. On the title page vignette, with the monogram of Elizabeth Petrovna. 3. On the 1st page vignette, view of the Moscow Kremlin from the river: "grid. Ivan Sokolov". 4. Vignette on the 60th countries. ball: "grid. Ivan Sokolov". At the end of the book separate drawings 49; they renumbered; at the top the inscription in Russian: 5. No. 1. "The drawing of the Triumphal gate, on Tverskaya street y Zemlianogo of the City." 6. No. 2. "The drawing of the Triumphal gate in China town, at the Church of the blessed virgin Mary of Kazan near the series". 6A. No no. "Scenic paintings on the sides of the Triumphal arch, under № 2". 7. № 3. "Drawing of the Triumphal gate, butcher street y Soil of the City." 8. No. 4. — "id. when the Yauza river near the yard of Her I. V.". 9. No. 5. "The ceremony of the Procession of her Majesty to Moscow." Many figures in 13 bands: "E. grimmel delin; grid. Ivan Sokolov"; on two sheets. 10. No. 6. "The carriage of Her I. V. with standing around in parade soldiers; Grigorova Ivan Sokolov". 11. No. 7. "The ceremony of publication before the coronation; Grigorova Grigorii Katchalov". 12. No. 8. "Chairs, the former in the Cathedral on the throne. Cut Ivan Sokolov". 13. No. 9. "The plan of the assumption Cathedral tserkvi attached with the interpretation of ciphers". 14. No. 10. "The plan with an indication of revenge, in which the Kremlin HIH as in the ceremony the person was going". 15. No. 1. "Chairs that were in Audience the Camera", No. 12. "The Rods Seremoniamestari". No. 13. "Wands Chief seremoniamestari. Cut Ivan Sokolov". 16. No. 14. "The scepter of the Supreme ceremonies of the Maester. No. 15. Rod Garadski, No. 27. Step team Cavalaire-hardskin Officers. Neckline. id". 17. No. 15. "The Herald in his piece. Cut Ivan Sokolov". 18. No. 16. "Pannier or state banner; Grigorova Grieg. Katchalov". 19. No. 17. "The State Seal, No. 18. The State Sword. Cut Ivan Sokolov". 20. No. 19. "The Imperial Mantle, No. 20. Agraf or sapona Mantle; S. A. Wortmann Acad Sc. Sculpt. sculpsit". 21. No. 21. "The Imperial power. Cut Ivan Sokolov". 22. No. 22. "Imperial Scepter" — id — id. on two sheets. 23. No. 23. Imperial crown: "S. A. Wortmann". 24. No. 24. "The rods (3) Marshal-the steward-Gough Marshals. Cut Ivan Sokolov". 25. No. 25. "Carry the four-poster bed with interior view" — id — id. 26. No. 26. "The procession of the coronation was followed as in assumption Catholic Church, grid..." id. (No. 27, see on the Board the 16th). 27. No. 28. "Vessel and strokes Holy anointing. Cut Ivan Sokolov". 28. No. 29. "The ceremony of the coronation, sent to the Cathedral tserkvi uspeniya Presvyatoy Bogoroditsy, grid. Grigorii Katchalov". 29. No. 30. "View in prospect of the Cathedral of the assumption tserkvi and in front thereof, the area and protchaya structure; Grid. Ivan Sokolov". 30. No. 31. "Interior view of the Avenue of the Palace of facets" id — id. 31. No. 31. "The plan of the faceted chamber and the inside tables and Sanam thereof". 32. No. 31. "The plan is Top Sanam that when the Palace of facets". 33. No. 31. "Plan of the dining chamber". 34. No. 32. "The existing canopy in the audience chamber above the throne; Cut Ivan Sokolov". 35. No. 33. "The chair standing on the throne in the Palace of facets; Cut out"... id — id. 36. No. 34. "Coronation Medals and tokens. Grid. Ivan Sokolov. No. 35. The crown is smaller grid. Grigorej Kachalov" (two boards). 37. No. 36. "The Imperial robes woven from gold in the likeness of a grid. Cut Ivan Sokolov". 38. No. 37. "Fountain, which allowed red wine (and a locker). Cut Ivan Sokolov". 39. No. 37. "The fountain from which indulged white wine (and rund.). Cut Ivan Sokolov". 40. No. 38. "Procession ceremony of Her I. V. to the Palace of facets to audiencee. Grid. Grigorej Katchalov". 41. No. 39. "The ceremony of the procession of her Majesty of the Kremlin in Unigovskiy winter house, grid." id — in 14 series, three sheets. 42. No. 40. "The facade of the court halls in the winter HIH house on the Yauza. Grid. Ivan Sokolov". 43. No. 40. Her plan is. 44. No. 41. "The Order Of St. Apostle Andrew with the Star: Cut Ivan Sokolov". 45. No. 42. "The Order Of St. Alexander star"; the same signature. 46. No. 43. "The Order Of St. Catherine with the star"; same. 47. No. 44. "The plan of the faceted chamber in one of the tables on which was placed the Imperial regalia". 48. No. 45. "Feierwerk and illuminate former winter when Her Imperial Majesty the house"; grav. black style. 49. No. 46. "Illumination in funny ex HIH Palace: Grigorova Grigorej Katchalov". 50. No. 47. "Illumination of the Kremlin in the former HIH house with a Golden lattice: Grigorova Grigorej Katchalov". 51. No. 48. "Illumination in the sight of the Golden bars; Grigorova Grigorej Katchalov". 52. No. 49. Same (15 divisions in each). A total of 3 vignette, 1 portrait, and 10 of the drawings. This description of the coronation is the main masterpiece of Russian engraving in Elizabeth. Especially good are the ceremonial processions of the work of Sokolov and Kachalov. Sokolov beautifully engraved order of the thrones. All drawings made by draftsman Gremmelin. Good specimens of this description are quite rare; the best with German text, sent as a gift, bound in the skin; on the front Board of the binding is embossed in gold with the monogram of Elizabeth I, a rear emblem. 60. Board with 18 engraved pages; the last of them the inscription: "court | calendar | 1735 | St. Petersburg | the Academy | Ivan Sokolov stihova". 2.11 x 1.9. On the first page represented the temple of Janus; in front of him imp. Anna Ivanovna (in growth ? right); lower her monogram in military fittings. 3? x 1.11. The whole Board = 10.6 x 13.8. D. F. Kobeko. 61. "The geographical description in the Bible of the Holy Scriptures, Palestine or the Jews... in the Geographical depart. at Acad. Sciences location Witnessed... and the decree of Her Imperial Majesty of the Holy Synod Pravitelstvujushchy Isprobavano 1759 Sep 15 Day. Grave. I. Sokolov". In a large sheet*. 62. Vignette in the book: "a collection of Military of the Ottoman Empire... count... Marsili SPb. 1737"; the 2nd part. In the beginning of the 2nd part of the vignette depicting a table, a on the armor, banners and weapons; below signature: "Stihova Ivan Sokolov". Applied to the description of the 40 engravings depicting weapons and home life of the Turks; they are all engraved in the manner of Wortmann and Sokolov, cutter. 63. Swedish great seal in the Manifesto on the world with Sweden. Under the supervision Sokolov made: 1) the Picture to the Description Telemaque adventures, St. Petersburg, 1747, 4°, with 10 pictures and a map of the work makhaeva (see Yakov Vasiliev). 2) Published in 1753 views of Moscow, in small format engraved by Balabanis Vnukova, Sablin, Strigosum and Chesnakovym. — Cm. Makhaev. 3) In 1753 the kinds of Stone island 6 avenues (on 6 sheets). 4) instructions about the Survey (without the year): "Grid. in SPb. at Acad. Of Sciences under the supervision of the artist. the wizard IV. Sokolova 1755". Front sheet with the caption: "Shape | Boundary Maps | which expresses as between|do adjacent landowners | approximate land sharing and | pratham 1755". 5) In 1757 and 12 species of St. Petersburg (16 sheets, brochures, hand-drawn by Makhaevism); they are engraved Sokolov, Isakovym, Vinogradov, by Kachalov, Vasiliev, Grekov and Vnukova. {Rovinsky}