
né en XX siècle
Born Abraham Bykov in Kiev, but after the war, for family reasons moved to Riga, where he finished in 56-m to year the Latvian Academy of Arts. At the all-Union exhibition of young artists has become one of the winners. His triptych "Modern science" wished to purchase one of the strongest museums, but local officials to give the Museum the triptych in no hurry. By a strange coincidence, the triptych A. Bykov was under the open sky at the site of one of the units as visual propaganda. Apparently the author is someone crossing the road. Then the local Union of Artists under the guise of party interests, to return the triptych of the opals refused. Position in life of the former soldier were tested for resistance. It bent, but not broken. On the table of the party Committee formed a membership card and the Union of Artists – membership card of the Union of Artists.Abram Bulls began life swimming free and impartial artist. But to argue that it was not in his soul fracture would be a lie, the bitterness remained. Some time Bulls are not painted, but it was to teach skills to others, because apart of his talent was his gift of a teacher. Watched the peculiarities of the characters of the wards, looking for an individual approach to everyone and generously gave them their knowledge. He was proud, he didn't have problem to apologize to the student. Once one of the disciples of the Bulls said, "you Know, I haven't slept all night, worried that his remark about your work upset you, forgive me!" So sensitively and carefully artist was anyone who seriously decided to learn the basics of the skill.Sturdy figure, expressiveness, artistry, the ability to see, to compare, to understand and to display all these qualities I tried to instill and develop in its pupils Abram Bulls. The basis of learning in the Studio was the development of the school of classical drawing. He instilled in his pupils a respect for work. Taught strictness, prompted how to make the complicated creative tasks and do not give yourself breaks. In the breaks between classes were shown reproductions of masterpieces of world art, instilling in students the taste, the ability to see and understand beauty. Bykov said: "My task is to lead the disciple on the road. To go on the road, the disciple must himself. And yet the advice I give, if they accept."In 1991, after the family of Abram Bulls emigrated to Israel. Many of the friends condemned him for it, believing that he was good there, and we are in an Era of Change is bad. But they forgot the truth that the old trees in new soil do not survive. Bykov was not good, he desperately missed the noisy guard their students, no summer rain, no intimate conversations with friends, remaining in Riga. However, departure saved and extended his life. As a participant of the Second World him free had surgery on the heart. But a new blow was the sudden death of his wife. All her life she was with him, I supported him in difficult moments, and suddenly there are no more close loyal friends. Every evening, successive years of solitude when he was left alone, was in recognition Bykov – stress, grief rolled over and covered his new wave. In Israel, A. Bykov was the disciples, but they were few, come from different cities was not easy. Until the last day of life of Bulls did not leave teaching. April 20, 2007 was the last session with his disciples, on the night of 21 April, he was gone.Over 50 years of teaching (and in Riga and In Israel) through the Studio A. Z. Bykova passed hundreds of people, among them many famous artists, architects, designers
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