Mikhailovich Erdeli

né en 1891

Biographie et informations

Adalbert Mikhailovich Erdelyi (Beila Gryts, May 25, 1891, p. Zagattya, Austria-Hungary (now Transcarpathia) - September 19, 1955, Uzhgorod) - Ukrainian artist, one of the founders of the Transcarpathian school of painting, an outstanding teacher.

He devoted many years to his own education in European art centers: he studied at the Hungarian Royal Art Institute (1911-1916), improved his skills in Munich (1922-1926) and spent two years on probation in Paris (1929-1931).

In 1927, together with Joseph Bokshay, he opened the Public School of Painting in Uzhgorod (later - the Uzhgorod School of Applied Art). He took an active part in the artistic life of Uzhgorod. He founded the Union of Artists of Subcarpathian Rus and was the first chairman of the Union of Artists of Transcarpathia.
The national school of painting, founded by Adalbert Erdelyi and Iosif Bakshay, is based on the ethnic, folk art of Transcarpathia. At the same time, the main principles of the school were art education, obligatory practice of the open-airs and openness to world art. The works of teachers and students of the Transcarpathian school are inherent in an emotional, sensual attitude to the world around us, heightened expression of color, optimism and cheerfulness. The style and manner of the masters of the school is most fully revealed in the landscape.

Features of the artist Adalbert Erdelyi:
The combination of avant-garde European artistic trends of the early 20th century with an ethno-national basis. In his work, Erdeli turned to expressionism, fauvism, post-impressionism, symbolism - styles and trends with which he met in Munich and Paris. Depending on the creative intent, the artist chose the dominant style for each work. He considered himself an expressionist and a follower of Cezanne. Erdely was a master of landscapes, portraits and still lifes. His works are characterized by expressive energetic painting, dynamic lines, the choice of bright colors and their harmonious combination, the creation of form using color planes and the simplification of details. The master's favorite technique that characterizes his signature style is to portray specular reflections. In his landscapes, trees and the sky with clouds are reflected in the watery smoothness of rivers, in still lifes glasses and vases with water are “read” in the polished surfaces of the tables. The works of the master of work breathe peace and tranquility.

Famous paintings by Adalbert Erdelyi:
«Self-portrait», "Nude", “Group portrait of Transcarpathian artists”, "Shelestovo River", "Still life with a red cup and bells", "Portrait of A.S.".

Adalbert Erdelyi studied and worked in the art centers of Europe, perfectly mastered five foreign languages, founded a painting school in his native Transcarpathia and educated a galaxy of extraordinary masters, turning Uzhgorod into a city of artists. And even having fallen in love, he could leave without remorse the conscience of the most beautiful girl to return to work.

"... The artist lived at a time when Transcarpathia was in turn a part of four states: Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the USSR. And only under the last, Soviet power, the artist could not fully realize his creative plans. accused of formalism - a monstrous crime in the Soviet Union - branded a cosmopolitan, and in 1947 he was dismissed from his post as director of the school and chairman of the Union of Artists of Transcarpathia, which he himself founded ... "Seven facts about an outstanding artist - in a special publication of Arthive.