Petrovich Malaev (April 22


Biographie et informations

Malayev Fedor Petrovich (22.04.1902–1982) 3V Painter. He studied at the technical school of arts in Moscow (1921-1923). In 1930 he graduated from Department of monumental painting Department of the Higher state art-technical Institute (VHUTEIN), where he studied under V. Favorsky, N. Chernyshev, P. Kuznetsov, K. Istomin. Participant of exhibitions of OMAHR, AHR and overseas. Began work as a muralist, then as a painter. Author of genre paintings, landscapes, still lifes. Participant of exhibitions from 1927. Studied in postgraduate study of the Leningrad art Institute named after I. E. Repin (1930-1932). From 1931 to 1932 was a member of the Russian Association of proletarian artists (RAPH). Author thematic paintings. The winner of the MOSH RSFSR. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Lived and worked in Moscow. For some time he worked in the State Tretyakov gallery (TG). Made creative trips to Kuban, France, England, and Italy. Arrested in 1937 to the case of a group of Moscow artists. Sentenced to five years in corrective labor camps (ITL). He served in the Solikamsk labor camp. During the great Patriotic war, served as a mortar man, which caused his complete deafness.

Buried in the Novodevichy cemetery with his wife artist magidson Andrianou the Solomonovna (1905-1981) and her first husband, artist Schukin Yuri Prokopevich (1904-1935)


The state Tretyakov gallery (TG), the Museum of contemporary history in Moscow, the Saratov state art Museum named after A. N. Radishchev State Museum Association "Art culture of Russian North", Arkhangelsk city, the State Museum of fine arts of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan.