Franzevich Bellioli (1820-1881)

Biographie et informations

Belloli Andrei Frantsevich (1820-1881)
The life and works of a native of Rome and graduate of the Academy of St. Luke Andrei Frantsevich Belloli were held in Russia, where he arrived in late 1850-ies. In St. Petersburg, the artist is fast becoming known for his decorative works and paintings of the ceilings of palaces and churches. Gradually the interests of A. Belloli shifted to portraiture. Among other works executed in oil, a great success enjoyed by women's and children's portraits made with colored pencils. A. Belloli actively involved in the artistic life of the Northern Russian capital: he is a permanent participant of academic exhibitions, and in 1869 satisfied at the Academy of arts exhibition of his works in favor of the poor students, the widows and orphans of artists. His artistic mastery and active civic position receive official recognition: in 1861 he was awarded the title of academician of portraiture in 1870 awarded the order of St. Stanislaus 2 nd degree for his years of artistic activity for the benefit of Russian art. In the same year A. F. Belloli creates and donates Academic Museum, perhaps the best and certainly his most popular work, "the bather after the bath".
It was created several compositional variants of this picture, in particular, one of its "bathers" was purchased for his collection of Grand Duke Nikolay Konstantinovich Romanov /among the three paintings-the blond bather/. This picture of Nicholas Roerich in the early 1870s, took over huge amounts of money from the artist . Andrew Franzevich did not want to sell the painting, he was in love with his creation...currently she is in the collections of the Museum of arts of Uzbekistan in Tashkent and is a gem to see which people come from all over the world.
Why was she in Tashkent? The fact that the Grand Duke Nicholas was exiled to Uzbekistan. No one expected the storm. And did not want it. But she broke out. In the heart of the capital, in the marble Palace of St. Petersburg lost family relic – the icon of the Mother of God. Suspicion fell on Prince Nicholas...So he ended up in Tashkent...but that's another story. Quite by accident in late twenties has been found that,as he thought,uterina famous "bather" Andrew Belloli. It was discovered during the renovation of the Palace...Nicholas did not leave with this picture,kept it in a separate room in his Palace and never showed. Shortly before his death immured her in one of the window openings of the room. Only one person knew about it - his wife Nadezhda, which was allowed to remain in the Palace and be the caretaker of the Museum. But then she was fired, impoverished and lived a century that served the merciful Tashkent, who remembered the kindness of the family of Grand Duke...And the creative life of the artist Belloli happened in Russia happily and his work brought him fame, but something happened to the artist, whether longtime "hypochondria", or suddenly engulfed madness, is unknown. It remains a mystery. In 1881 he was placed in a psychiatric hospital of St. Nicholas in St. Petersburg. Here it is and was a tragedy - the artist committed suicide.