Nikolaevich Dmitriev

Russia • Yelets • né en 1968

Biographie et informations

Information from the resource:

Born in 1968 in the village of Kon-Kolodez Khlevenskogo district of Lipetsk region. He studied at the graphic art faculty of Lipetsk state pedagogicheskogo Institute. Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1995. Honored worker of culture of Russia. His teacher says the honored artist of Russia Nikolay Klimov. Teaches painting at the Yelets state College of arts named after T. N. Khrennikov. The work of A. Dmitrieva has a deep lyricism, softness of the depicted landscapes, subtly and sincerely revealing the beauty of ancient Yelets and its environs. Lives in Yelets.
Dmitriev, participant of all – Russia, zonal, regional, regional exhibitions, including several personal exhibitions in Lipetsk, Yelets, Lipetsk regional centers region. Paintings Dmitriev are in the museums of Yelets, Lipetsk picture gallery, in private collections in Russia and abroad. Among the pictorial works of the artist occupy a special place types of Yelets, with its special plastics. D. Andreev draws inspiration from the city's original appearance, preserving the peculiarity of Russian urban development, which lies in the harmonious Union of urban development with the natural environment.

"What is for me Dace? Not to say that Dace is all but sure that the Dace is for me something definitive, when you realize that to live in Yelets and not to create something beautiful – it is impossible. One day, a student of art faculty of the pedagogical Institute Lipetsk I came to Dace and then realized that I can't survive without him, and since then, no elec for me. Perhaps it was then that I then really wanted to be an artist and live here. And to live in this city and being an artist is impossible. When you are surrounded with such history from the most ancient times, and the names of the great people who lived and worked here, and it is impossible not to strive to be creative. I want to feel this beauty, to become part of its history, and a little closer to these great names..."
