Don Lorenzo

Italia • 1370−1425

In 1391, entered into camaldolesi convent. Maria degli Angeli in Florence, where he became a deacon, but left it before taking final vows. However, the nickname "Monaco" (Monk) stuck behind him, and "don" is used as a respectful treatment.His works show the influence of the international Gothic of the late XIV century and the Sienese school: multi-figure compositions with luxury accessories, abundant gilding. The characteristic features of the wizard: a good instinct of a colorist, creating excellent contrasts and additional color effects.

Don Lorenzo, a Florentine painter who was a monk of the Camaldolese order in the monastery degli Angeli (monastery that was founded in 1294 by brother Guittone from Arezzo), the order and the armies of the virgin, or gay brothers, as called by the people the monks of this order; in his early years he studied drawing and painting with such eagerness, that later on the merits was counted among the best of dealing with this art in his time. The first work of the monk-painter who adhered to the manners Taddeo Gaddy and others of his contemporaries, was created in the convent degli Angeli, where, among many other things, he painted the Board the main altar, which in their churches you can see now; according to the inscription at the bottom on the frame, it was completed and put back in 1413. Likewise, don Lorenzo wrote on the Board who were in the monastery of San Benedetto, the same Camaldolese order that the gate Pinti, was destroyed during the siege of Florence in 1529, Wedding of the virgin, is the same as on the Board in his Church degli Angeli; the Board is of the monastery of San Benedetto is now in the first courtyard of the monastery called degli Angeli, in the chapel of the Alberti on the right hand. At the same time, and maybe before, he painted in Santa trinità in Florence fresco chapel family Ardinghelli and Board for them, and they were in those days very approved; where he portrayed from life of Dante and Petrarch.

In San Piero Maggiore he painted the chapel of the Fioravanti, and in a chapel in San Pietro Scheraga completed the Board, and named the Church of Santa Trinita, Bartolini chapel. In San Jacopo Sopra Arno, also, there is a Board of his work done perfectly and finished with infinite care in the manner of the time. Similarly, in Certosa in Florence he wrote a few good things, and in San Michele in Pisa, a monastery of his order, a few good boards.

In Florence, in the Church Romiti, also of the Camaldolese (now destroyed along with the monastery, and left only its name this part of the city over the Arno, called by the name of this Holy place of the Camaldolese), among many other things, he wrote on the Board the Crucifixion and St. John, esteemed the most beautiful. In the end, ill with a malignant boil from which he suffered many months, he died fifty-five years and was honorably buried by his monks in the Chapter, their monastery, as deserved his prowess.

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