Gao Qipei

China • 1672−1734

Twenty-two years old he became prefect of the city, then the province. Presumably, the young people worked well, for a decade and a half later he was transferred to the capital for a Ministerial post. In Beijing, Gao CIPA makes a spectacular career: the state Comptroller salt pans, head of the court service of entertainment (i.e. Minister of culture) and - in combination - the Deputy Minister of justice. In 1724, while retaining his previous posts, it is put at the head of one of the Imperial armies. Over decades of successful advancement Gao CIPA amassed a lot of envy in the court. In 1727, together with the entire tip of the Ministry of justice he was accused of embezzling state funds and sentenced to the death penalty. Apparently the Emperor knew the background of Palace intrigue and pardoned Gao Cipaa. However, the old courtier took away all civilian positions, leaving only the military. However, for a while. Someone is always digging under it. Pulled the old, even prefectch the case, found that at the time, he did not reimburse the Treasury office illegally spent money, under the pretext of seventy General and dismissed from all posts at the same time removing from the court. Five years later, in 1734, he died.

Gao Zipay credited with the invention of painting techniques with your fingers.

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