Georgievich Orlov

Russia • Sankt-Peterburg and Leningrad Oblast • né en 1946 • artiste
Commande de l'œuvre
Orlov Georgiy Georgievich, born on June 3, 1946. June 3, 1946, m.r. Ganja, Azerbaijan. His parents are servicemen. In 1964. After graduating from high school №1 in Simferopol (Autonomous Republic of Crimea.) In 1965 he entered the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. To painting came at once, under the influence of the atmosphere of art, prevailing in the higher and the best educational institution, and comrades - artists, for which I am grateful to all.
November 19, 1969 began his solitary expedition to the Central karst plateau (Ay Petri, Crimea), which lasted 153 days. During this time, created more than 150 paintings. His studies at the institute were put on the back burner.
The attempt found the support of his relatives, especially his close friend and teacher, Georgy Sidorkin (1940-2000), a talented artist, architect and philosopher.
In 1971, was accepted by E.E. Moiseenko in the battle studio as a free student and rider. The training took place under the guidance of permanent and outstanding artists and teachers - P.T. Fomin and P.P. Belousov.
A great influence on the creative formation had bright, talented and young students - V. Zagonek, R. Asaev, V. Metik, O. Ponomarenko and others.
At the same time he wrote the diploma "Stylistic and Compositional Features of the Art Image in the Work of E.E. Moiseenko" (supervised by I. Brodsky).
Three months before my diploma, under the strongest pressure from the "gray cardinal" of art - the vice-president of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, Comrade. С. S. Kemenov, with the support and perhaps at the institute's instigation, the theme of my graduation thesis was banned. The action was directed personally against E.E.Moiseenko because simultaneously, in this year, diplomas on creativity of V.M.Oreshnikov, I.A.Serebryannyj, J.M.Neprintsev and other teachers of institute were protected. The defense took place under the banner of a new theme - "Theory and Practice of V.A. Favorsky's Creation".
In 1973-1974 he was enrolled in the SAS in the Security Company of the KODVO Headquarters (Odessa). District champion in shooting with all types of weapons (carbine, submachine gun, underbarrel grenade launcher).
Awarded Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Defence of the USSR and a personal gold watch for the gift to Marshal A.A. Grechko, Minister of Defence of the USSR, member of the Politburo. Politburo to USSR Minister of Defence Marshal A.A. Grechko on the occasion of his 70th birthday anniversary.
Exhibition activity began in 1976, in Leningrad.
Since 1977 member of the youth painting section of the LOSKh.
In 1979-1980 on the proposal of N.H. A. Yakovlev worked as a creative builder at construction of Severomuisky tunnel (BurBam).
Organizer and honorary director of the Severomuisk People's Gallery, founded a children's art school in Severomuisk village on his own (one Zhigul) money.
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