Digital copy: 1.4 MB
2828 × 1300 px • JPEG
50 × 24.8 cm • 133 dpi
47.9 × 22.0 cm • 150 dpi
23.9 × 11.0 cm • 300 dpi
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À propos de l'œuvre
Type d'art: Peinture
Sujet et objets: Paysage, Scène de genre
Courant artistique: Moderne
Technique: Le beurre
Ressources: La toile
Date de création: 1916
Taille: 61×123 cm
Œuvre dans les sélections: 68 selections
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Descriptif de la toile «Carnival»

Today, the famous Kustodiev "Carnival" (1, 2) is the property of the nation, a recognized example of a genuinely popular, but no less obvious arts. Typical school essay on painting Kustodiev "Maslenitsa" starts with the words "the most beautiful and festive images in Russian art," about how selfless the artist loved his homeland and how finely felt "Russian character". However, during the artist's life a festive ringing of bells was often drowned in the uproar of angry voices – not all Kustodiev, "carnival".

Of course, Boris Kustodiev had to deal not only with universal admiration. Some criticized him for what he allegedly mimics Repin, were those who blamed his portraits at the "lack Repin psychologism". But the fierce criticism called "Carnival", written by Kustodiev in 1916-m.

When Petersburg Academy of arts acquired the painting for 1700 rubles, several members of the Council came from its membership in protest against "purchase illiterate kustodievskie lubok".

Kustodiyev at this time was confined to bed after another surgery, "Shrove Tuesday," he wrote from memory. Work on the painting was for him an opportunity to relive a favorite holiday, to feel the wind whistling in the ears, not getting out of bed. Kustodiev, who thought that paint colorful, carefree, fun and simple emotions "it is very peculiar to the Russian character"believed that he had found for his picture of the correct and sincere tone. And was very upset by the criticism.

Fortunately, for the beloved disciple stood up for himself Repincomes from "carnival" in delight. But the best "advocate" Kustodiev was, perhaps, the art historian Alexander Benoiswho wrote: "Real Kustodiev is a Russian fair, pestravka, "big-eyed" chintz, barbaric "fight of colors", the Russian settlement and the Russian village, with their harmonics, cakes, overdressed girls and dashing boys. I would argue that this is his true sphere, it is a real joy".

Author: Andrew Zimoglyadov